Tuesday, January 31, 2017

#10) Firing Sally Yates

January 31, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

Now, regarding your dismissal of acting Attorney General Sally Yates
1)    During her 2015 confirmation hearing Jeff Sessions (oh, the irony!) asked her if she would be able to say 'no' to the president if he asked her for something 'improper.'
2)    Yates said 'yes' she could say no to the president because she was bound by the Constitution to do what's best for the country.
3)    2017 you – as president – ask her to do something improper (and possibly illegal).
4)    She says 'no' and gives clear, legal rational for her decision through proper channels.
5)    You fire her.

Hmmm.  I'm put in mind of certain third world dictators who are so desperate to cling to power that they silence (sometimes forever) any voice of dissent.  It's usually a sign of the fragility of their position that they must surround themselves with sycophants and toadies who tell them only what they want to hear and act quickly to remove anyone who questions them.  We students of history who have seen this story play out before know that "swift and harsh" is often a false front for "pathetic and desperate". 

When the people begin to ask questions you should be ready to provide answers.  Because that's what a democratically elected president does.

Amy Beaton

P.S.  Wait, it's not just third world dictators Stalin was pretty good at silencing his detractors too.  I just thought of that.

Monday, January 30, 2017

#9) WTF?!

January 30, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

I am still reeling from your sudden, thoughtless, and very un-coordinated ban on travelers from 7 predominantly Muslim countries.  I say travelers because in your haste to look tough and in charge you stupidly included vetted and approved refugees as well as green card holders (who are lawful, permanent citizens of this country).  This is not a security crack downthis is chaos!!  This wasn't even communicated to the agencies and airports that it would affect.  What were you thinking?!  In a fit of rage, Gov. Jay Inslee said your administration, "couldn't run a two car funereal." And unfortunately for you, most of the world agrees with him!

Have you truly not realized that our most important allies in the fight against ISIS are Muslims?  President Obama knew this.  He was building bridges and building community when he said,
"If you're ever wondering if you fit in here, let me say it as clearly as I can, as president of the United States:  You fit in here – right here.  You're right where you belong.  You're part of America too.  You're not Muslim OR American.  You're Muslim AND American."

Instead, you've got Rudy Giuliani on national TV saying that this is a "Muslim ban" done "legally."  You are effectively turning Muslims all over the world against the United States.  This is not going to keep Americans safer Mr. President.  This is adding fuel to the fire of radical Islamic terrorists and their propaganda machine. Haven't your intelligence agencies told you that ISIS leaders recruit followers by saying that the West (specifically the U.S.) is at war with Islam?  And you just played right into their hands!!

You are a very dangerous man Mr. Trump playing a dangerous game that you neither understand nor respect.  You scare me and you scare most of the world.  Your short-sighted, ego-driven policies could destroy our country. I hope that you are prepared to live with that.

For 241 years American security has been able to work hand in hand with American values.  With one stroke of your pen you have undone that.

With Regret,

Amy Beaton

Sunday, January 29, 2017

#8) The Interwhat?

January 29, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

I live in rural, northern Vermont (which is a far cry from the urban jungle of metro D.C.) but up here in the hinterlands we have this thing called "The Internet" which is super helpful for information gathering and fact checking.  Like, 'What is the diameter of Jupiter?' and 'Who won the Super Bowl in 2003?' and 'What awards has Donald Trump won for his environmentalism?' (You did mention on Jan 23 that you were "to a large extent an environmentalist" and had, "won awards.")

As near as I can tell, you got just one award.  Well, it wasn't actually even given to you. In 2007 the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, NJ was issued an award from the Metro Golf Association.  What makes this funny is that in 2011 that same golf course was cited for a "series of environmental violations" by the NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection.  How embarrassing.  Maybe it is was good that the award wasn't specifically for you.

Anyway, these are the kinds of things that you can find out on the Internet.  You might want to check and see if you get internet service in your new house there in the big city.  That way you can check facts before you open your mouth and make yourself look like a complete ass.

Just a thought.

Amy "The People" Beaton

Saturday, January 28, 2017

#7) Bernie Knows Best

January 28, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

"Today, a CEO making $50 million a year pays the same amount into Social Security as someone earning $117,000.  If we lifted the cap and applied the Social  Security payroll tax on income above $250,000 we could extend the solvency of Social Security for another 47 years.  And that's exactly what my legislation does."
                                                      -Bernie Sander (I-VT)

Now as a business man...doesn't that just make sense?!  Could it be any more simple or clear? You mentioned many times during the election that you would run the country like a business.  Well, now's your chance.  This seems like a pretty straightforward business decision to me.

Amy Beaton

Friday, January 27, 2017

#6) Cheat Sheet

January 27, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

I did a quick Google search and it turns out there is no how-to-be-a-president-leadership-handbook.  And since your first week has been so bumpy and your approval rating is only 35% (which is the lowest in history for any president in his first week), I decided to make you a cheat sheet on how to be a leader.

Here goes:
     -stop picking fights
     -stop making obviously false statements
     -stop deflecting
     -stop obfuscating
     -stop saying things like "alternative facts" (because that is not a thing)
     -stop trying to discredit very credible people
     -stop self aggrandizing
     -stop humble bragging (especially about things that aren't true, see item #2)
     -stop insulting people that disagree with you
     -stop speaking in gross generalizations (i.e. "complete and total disaster")
     -stop berating journalists

And for the love of God, PLEASE STOP TWEETING!!

I purposely kept this short for ease of use.  Print it out...fold up a copy and put it in your pocket...tack it up on your bulletin board...tape it to a corner of your desk.  Maybe even read it over once or twice before you fall asleep at night.  But please Mr. Trump, you are the President of the United States of America.  It's time to start acting like it!

Yours in Honesty,
Amy Beaton

Thursday, January 26, 2017

#5) The Art of Compromise

 January 26, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

Instead of the Art of the Deal, let's talk about the Art of the Compromise for a minute.  Because I noticed that you signed an executive order to the Army Corps of Engineers to re-open the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipeline projects.  A word to the wise Mr. President...this is not a situation you want to charge into like a bull in a china shop.  This requires finesse.  This requires diplomacy.  In short, this requires compromise (which is perhaps a dirty word in your book.)

I could cite you endless facts about these pipelines and why they pose a threat to the people and environment of the area.  But a 2 minute Google search can tell you all that.  You don't need to hear it from me.  So here's my 2 cents worth...remember when Bill Clinton said, "It's the economy, stupid."?  Well,in this case, it's the PEOPLE, stupid!!  When 20,000 plus people speak as ONE you shut up and listen!  When people chain themselves to heavy equipment, travel across the country, and sleep out in 0 degree weather for days and even weeks at a time for a cause they believe in...you LISTEN TO THEM!  If there's a how-to-be-a-president-leadership-handbook out there anywhere, Chapter 1 probably says, it's about the PEOPLE, stupid (or some variation on that theme.)

With the current state of divisiveness and animosity in this country right now I truly believe that re-starting work on either of these pipelines could lead to serious violence and possibly the death of innocent people.  People who are either standing up for what they believe in, or people doing what they're told.  And this would be a tragedy.

Please take a moment and re-consider the path that you are on Mr.President.  Set your ego aside for the moment and consider this;
                oil isn't forever, but people are.

Your in Peace,
Amy Beaton

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

#4) Jeepers Creepers...Better Check Those Peepers

January 25, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

The other day when you spoke at the CIA you mentioned that you saw the inaugural crowd going all the way back to the Washington Monument (which, of course, it didn't).  Anyway, you're 70 years old now and it is probably time for you to have a thorough eye exam.  Luckily, you've got GREAT health insurance with your new job. Not all full time jobs come with free health insurance you know.  You could probably get an eye exam for free.  I have a co-pay of $25 which isn't too bad.  I'm one of the lucky ones (not as lucky as you, but I can't complain).  Often insurance doesn't cover the cost of the actual glasses though.  Peter needed new specs last year and they cost $600.  Of course, his vision is terrible and he needed bi-focals and unbreakable frames because he has a very active lifestyle.  $600 is nothing to an international business tycoon like yourself, but for us mere mortals we had to budget it over a few months.

I know that you and your team are putting together a new health care plan to replace Obamacare so you know a lot about this stuff.  Here's my question - why are optometrists and dentists not covered by standard health insurance?  Vision and dental are usually separate insurance plans.  It's weird because my eyes and teeth are DEFINITELY part of my body and need to be cared for and my optometrist and dentist are DEFINITELY doctors because I've seen their diplomas hanging on the walls.  So why is seeing an optometrist or dentist different from seeing a cardiologist or gastroenterologist?  I don't get it.  When you think about it, an eye exam is kind of like a mammogram.  Both should be checked out once a year.  But my boobs are covered by standard health insurance and my eyes aren't.  Maybe your team can toss this idea around when you write health care reform.  I think it's time to put eyes and teeth back where they belong...in the human body and in standard health insurance.

Have you seen the Paul Ryan health insurance meme going around the internet?  It's pretty funny.  I don't know how to attach it to this email but I'll include it in my weekly mailing to you.

Amy "The People" Beaton

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

#3a) Fake news?

 January 24, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

You do know that CNN isn't a "fake news" corp, right?

The kids are home because of a snow day (school cancelled) so I don't have time right now to address fake news and Breitbart News but there IS a lot to say on those topics.

Let's catch up soon.

Amy Beaton

#3) CIA Visit and Speech

January 24, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

After seeing your speech at CIA headquarters yesterday my mind is swirling with thoughts and ideas.  The first is that when one stands in front of a memorial wall (of any kind) it is discourteous to praise and boast of oneself.  I believe the British call this bad form.

While I understand that you have a "running war with the media" (your words verbatim from the speech) it is not the media that tweeted:
     Dec 9     "...these are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass               
     Jan 11     "the CIA "should never have allowed this fake news to 'leak'"
     Jan 11      in response to CIA agents doing their job, "...are we living in Nazi Germany?"

Those are your words sir.  Unfortunate and misguided words.  Sent out into the Twitter-sphere for all the world to hear.  You should probably run your tweets by the Leadership Team (that Jared Kushner seems to have a good head on his shoulders) before you hit send because the CIA is going to be your eyes and ears around the globe for the next 4 years.  And even though you've been really busy and hyper focused on the election,  I'm sure it didn't escape your notice that the world is a very dangerous place right now.

In short, you need these people sir.  Please treat them with the respect and dignity they deserve.  And best of luck to Mike Pompeo, newly sworn in Director of the CIA!!  He'll need it.

(Just kidding Mike...you'll be fine)

Monday, January 23, 2017

#2) Women's March Numbers

 January 23, 2017

Dear Mr.President,

In response to the Women's March you tweeted yesterday, "Why didn't these people vote?"
Well, maybe you didn't get the message, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they DID vote. Most news sources reported that you lost the popular vote by about 2.5-2.9 million votes. Now that election results have been finalized and certified we can feel pretty confident in that number. And although final numbers are still coming in for the various Women's Marches held around the country, it's probably going to be around 2.5-2.9 million! What a coincidence!!

Here's a breakdown of just the major cities:
Washington, DC    500,000
Los Angeles          750,000
New York City      250,000
Denver                  100,000
Seattle                   130,000
Boston                  140,000
Portland                100,000
Austin                     40,000
St. Louis                 10,000
Montpelier, VT       20,000
San Francisco        100,000
St. Paul                  100,000
Madison                 100,000
Total:                  2,340,000

You're a smart man and you're good with numbers so I know you can see where I'm going with this. About 2.5-2.9 million people actively voted for someone else - AND - about 2.5-2.9 million people took to the streets to protest your election and defend the worth and dignity of women. You do understand this, right? I'm not saying you didn't win the election because you definitely did. It's just that you only won the electoral college which is a funky and convoluted system which over-represents people in rural states (i.e the Rust Belt, i.e. the epicenter of the manufacturing meltdown that has decimated middle class America). It's NOT that your win was a ringing endorsement by "The People". At least not the majority of people. It was more of a win by technicality. Still a win though. That's for sure.

Also, and I hate to mention this, but when you use the word "winning" like you did in your inaugural speech you kind of sound like Charlie Sheen when he had a nervous breakdown in 2011. It's just not very presidential Mr. Trump. 2011 Charlie Sheen really shouldn't be anyone's role model.

Amy "The People" Beaton

P.S. The Women's March was the largest single-day protest ever in American History. So in a way you were right when you said your presidency was "historic". Congratulations!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

#1) Are you there, Donald? It's me, The People

Jan 22, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

Hello, my name is Amy Beaton. You're going to want to remember that because I will be writing to you everyday for the next 4 years. I am 48 years old and live in northern Vermont. I've got things on my mind and didn't know how to best express myself until you mentioned in your inaugural speech that you wanted to work for the "people" and that you were returning the White House to the "people". Well good news...I'm people!!

First Thought:
You are the most hated man on the planet at this moment. That can't feel very good. A little more than 3 million people marched and made signs and turned up all over the WORLD - including Antartica - to express their dislike of you and your policies (such as they are). I waited for quite a while for your response and instead got Press Secretary Spicer attacking the media for under-representation of the inauguration crowd. What?!? I think you missed the point there, Donald. Kind of got the wrong end of the stick. 3 million people just knocked on your door to complain and you want to pretend they're not there? OK. Your call. Kind of a big thing to ignore, and not how I would have handled it, but whatever. You're in charge.

Second Thought:
Sean Spicer isn't going to "cut the mustard" as my husband would say. Best start thinking about a replacement. He was kind of tweaking out behind that podium. Not very professional.

Third Thought:
Just because Jared Kushner is a really nice guy and is Jewish doesn't mean that he should negotiate peace between Israel and Palestine. I just want to be on record as saying that this is a really bad idea. B-I-G- huge mistake. But don't worry, we will be talking a lot more about that one.

Fourth and Final Thought:
Thanks for inviting me, "The People", to participate in your presidency. I'm sure we will have a great 4 years together!!

Amy "The People" Beaton