Thursday, July 16, 2020

#213) Problem Solved!

July 16, 2020

Dear Dampy,

I wish that I was clever enough to have written this witty little meme making it's way around Facebook...

            "The reason our country is having so many heat waves is because we have so   
            many thermometers!  More than any other country!  If we stopped looking at     
            thermometers now, we'd have very few days over 80 degrees, if any."

And I fully expect to see a dramatic drop in covid-19 numbers now that hospitals must report them to the Dept. of Health and Human Services (overseen by you) rather than the Center for Disease Control (a non-partisan public health institute).   I think residents of Florida, Arizona, and Texas must be really relieved that you have taken the reigns and have the power to cut their viral case loads in half with just the swoosh of a pen or a few clicks of the keyboard!  Huzzah!

Perhaps this whole virus hoax will even be OVER by November 3rd.  Wouldn't it be great to have a success like that to brag about just in time for the election.  November 3rd is only 110 days away so you'd better get to work if you want to reframe 137,419 American deaths as a "win" for Team Trump.


Amy Beaton