Tuesday, February 28, 2017

#26) Are You Serious?

 February 28, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

Are you high?!  I just heard your call for a $54 billion increase in military spending.

"When I was young, in high school and college, everybody used to say we never lost a war.  We never lost a war.  You remember.  Some of you were right there with me and we never lost a war.  America never lost.  And now we never win a war.  We never win and we don't fight to win.  We don't fight to win.  So we've got to either win or don't fight at all."

Let's break this down bit by bit, shall we:

A) When you keep repeating overly simplistic words and phrases you begin to sound like a dementia patient.  I assume that you do it for emphasis but it has the opposite effect.  This is not a joke.  You sound legitimately confused and limited.  It is almost impossible to take you seriously when you do this.

B)  When you were in high school and college there were two wars.  One in Vietnam which was won by the North Vietnamese, and one in Korea which basically ended in a stalemate.  So if you're going to repeat an overly simplistic statement over and over for dramatic effect, try to make it a true statement.

C)  "War" against global terrorism is nothing like the battles of WWII that I assume you were trying to refer to in that speech.  There will be no more wars fought on battlefields with soldiers wearing uniforms and formalized rules of engagement.  Those days are gone.  The guerilla tactics of terrorists means that there is no "win" or "lose" anymore.  There is only "secure" or "not secure".  If you knew anything about Vietnam you might understand this.

D)  You might also better understand global terrorism if you were meeting with your National Security Council (which hasn't met even once as of 2/19/17) regularly.  Also, if you hadn't downgraded the vital roles of chairman of the Joint Chiefs and director of national intelligence and elevated the role of Steve Bannon (a political advisor and right wing agitator) to a position usually held by generals, you might know what the @##$^%& is going on!!  The President of the United States needs a functional National Security Council and yours is dangerously dysfunctional.

E)  I think you owe a sincere apology to the tens of thousands of military personnel who put their lives on the line daily to secure our peace and freedom.  They are doing a damn fine job and you, as Commander In Chief, just insulted them beyond all reckoning.  A real slap in the face to the people you purport to be helping.

F)  Where the hell are you going to get $54 billion?  Your glorious southern wall is estimated to cost $20-30 billion and our nation is currently somewhere around $20,000,000,000,000 in debt!!! (that's 20 trillion).  The interest alone on that debt is crippling our economy.  Running a country is NOT the same as running a businessyou can't just declare bankruptcy and get a do-over when you over extend yourself.  This morning you said you would finance this spending by a "revved up economy".  Well, that explains everything.  Excellent.  So glad you have such a thorough and detailed plan.

I don't know what scares me more - you in charge of our military, or you in charge of our economy.  It will be a miracle if our country survives four years of your governance. 

Amy Beaton

Monday, February 27, 2017

#25) Mothers Unite

February 27, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

Here's something I haven't shared with you yet – my family is formed through adoption.  My husband and I were foster parents for 21 years and adopted 4 children (well, legally we adopted 3 but #4 is now 25 and still with us so I think she's ours by common law at this point.)

My kids have tremendous needs, or as I like to call them, extenuating circumstances.  And luckily, we have been mostly able to meet those needs through the combined efforts of an excellent school system, decent health insurance, and well staffed social service agencies.  I know that I am very lucky.  I also know that I am launching four compassionate, kind and well-adjusted human beings into the world; something I am very proud of.

But for this letter I want to stop and ask you to think about all the mothers who can't give their kids what they need to grow and thrive.  Let's think for a moment about the thousands of mothers who have lost a child to senseless, preventable gun violence.  The mothers who can't afford basic medications like asthma inhalers and epi-pens because unregulated pharmaceutical companies see only profit margins and not the human faces of growing children.  The mothers who lose sleep at night worrying about how their bright, inquisitive children will ever afford a college education. The mothers fighting for the basic human right of healthy, safe drinking water.  The single mothers who go it alone, financially and emotionally, because their partner can't or won't share the burden of parenting.  Who raise their children single handedly to feel loved and valued that they might, in their turn, bring more love and value to the world.  All of the grandmothers who thought they were done mothering but answered the call/need of their grandchildren and are parenting again in their golden years.  The mothers whose entire paycheck goes to sub-par childcare because they can only get health insurance by working full time.  Every mother of a black son who has had to teach him how to navigate the world differently simply because of his skin color.  And all the mothers who have faced the abortion decision themselves or have had to support a daughter, niece, cousin, or friend through the process. And let's not forget all the mothers who just get up, make breakfast, put in a load of laundry and tackle whatever's next on the to-do list.  They get up, show up, and get shit done.

The world does not need another luxury hotel or golf course.  It needs affordable secondary education and vocational technical programs.  It needs clean air, water, and soil.  It needs well-funded public schools and daycares to accommodate the increasingly varied needs of our children.  And it needs affordable health insurance and medications.

If you only take one thing away from all these letters I'm writing, let it be this:

            The hand that rocks the cradle rocks the world.

Now if you put that on an ugly red baseball hat I'd wear it!

Amy Beaton

Sunday, February 26, 2017

#24) Wrong

February 26, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

There are things that you can do as president that are not illegal, but they are wrong; really, really wrong.  Wrong in a way that most people in the country would agree is wrong.  Wrong like if you asked a 7th grader – who knows nothing about the law – they would say it is wrong.  Just wrong with a capital "W".  Wrong like something that will be discussed in history books long after you are dead and gone, wrong.

That's what denying press access to CNN, NY Times, BBC, Politico, and the others was.  It was wrong.  It wasn't illegal (which is good given the travel ban kerfuffle 2 weeks ago), but it was wrong and someone in your position, surrounded with as many advisors as you are, should have known that.  Isn't this just common sense?

I can't really say much more about this without devolving into cursing and flying off the handle.  So let's just leave it there.

Amy Beaton

Saturday, February 25, 2017

#23) You Can Stop Campaigning Now

February 25, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

Listen, I hate to be the ongoing voice of negativity constantly pointing out your flubs.  But I can't let this one get by without saying something.

Yesterday you spoke to CPAC – the most conservative, radical edge of the Republican party.  Even some people in the Republican party have called it "fringe."  Now, speaking to this group while on the campaign trail is totally appropriate.  But the campaign is over now and you are the President of the United States.  And you said yourself on election night,

"To all Republicans and Democrats and Independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people.  I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans, and this is so important to me."

So can you see how speaking to a group like CPAC now that you are president could be seen as divisive?  It's totally fine when you are running for office, but totally NOT fine now that you are in office, because now you are supposed to be the president for everyone.  Get it?  The campaign is over.  You are no longer courting votes (you were there at the inauguration so I though you knew).

So please, don't keep complaining about our fractured society when it is you who continues to break off splinters!  You could be building bridges and mending fences, but you're not.

Amy Beaton

Friday, February 24, 2017

#22) More Violence

February 24, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

There was a shooting in Olathe, Kansas yesterday.  One man is dead and 2 wounded.  There are hundreds of shootings everyday in this country, so why should you care about this one? Because when Adam Purinton pointed his gun at the men from India watching a basketball game in that bar, he yelled, "get out of my country" just before he opened fire.  A third man was shot in the hand and chest when he tried to stop the gunman. 

You have got to see that hatred and hate motivated violence is at an all time high in this country.  Yet you seem so confused about why this is happening.  So let me be as simple and clear as I canit is because of YOU.

When Ivanka tweeted about religious tolerance the other day the Internet exploded in outrage and indignation because it was was seen as obnoxious and disingenuous. When you say you want the country to be united it's pretty clear that what you mean is you want everyone to embrace your presidency.  But those are two totally different things!!  And you did it again the other day at your big press conference when the reporter asked you about the recent rise in anti-Semitic crimes including bomb threats. Your response was,
"He said he was going to ask an easy question-ok sit down, I understand the rest of your question.  Folks, number one, I am the least anti-Semitic person that you have seen in your entire life. Number two, racism.  The least racist.

We did relatively well - quiet, quiet, quiet - see he lied about what was going to be a  very straight simple question.  I hate the charge.  I find it repulsive, I hate even the question because people that know me and you heard the Prime Minister, you heard Netanyahu yesterday.  Did you hear him, Bibi, he said I've known Donald trump for a long time and said forget it so you should take that instead of getting up and asking a very insulting question like that.  Just shows you about the press but that's the way the press is."

This isn't about your popularity for God's sake!  It's about the "us" and "them" mentality that you embody and espouse and that you allow your administration to project on your behalf.

I fear that this is going to get much worse before it gets better.  I hope that you are prepared for that.  How do you even sleep at night?

In Sadness,
Amy Beaton

P.S.  Some food for thought:
            "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
                                                            Galations 6

Thursday, February 23, 2017

#21a) Let's Do Lunch!

February 23, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

I know I already sent you a letter today but I have the most wonderful news.  My family is coming to Washington, D.C. for April vacation!  How fun is that?! I would love to get together for lunch or even just a chat.  You have all of my contact info because I enter it all into the White House website daily. 

Think about it Mr. Trump. It seems like you could use some honest feedback delivered constructively right about now. Or maybe just a shoulder to cry on? Either way, I'm your gal.  Just pick the day!

See You Soon,
Amy Beaton

P.S.  I'll bring you cookies.  I'm an excellent baker and cookies cheer everyone up.

#21) You've Been A Busy Boy

February 23, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

In the past 2 weeks I have watched you fire your NSA director, then deny that there was any problem with him; hold an impromptu press conference that will be the butt of jokes for years to come; allow your surrogates to double-speak their way through the Munich Security Conference; hold a campaign event for a campaign that has already been won; declare our court system a threat to national security; publicly condemn a private company for dropping your daughter's failing clothing line; and, my favorite by far, allowed Secretary Spicer to falsely claim that Iran committed an act of war against the U.S.  Woops.  You have been busy.

I think David Brooks of the New York Times said it best.
"The real fear in the Trump era should be that everything will become disorganized, chaotic, degenerate, clownish, and incompetent."

Seems like you're off to a really smashing start.  I can't wait to see what happens next month!

Staying Tuned in Vermont,
Amy Beaton

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

#20) Inconsistencies

February 22, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

A few days ago I accused you of being inconsistent.  Let me elaborate.

3/2016 Trump on ABC's "This Week"
"NATO doesn't discuss terrorism.  NATO's not meant for terrorism. NATO doesn't have the right countries for terrorism.  I think NATO is obsolete."

"Now it can be trimmed up and it can be, uh, it can be reconfigured and you can call it NATO, but it's going to be changed. I mean this thing was – was done many decades ago. And there's nothing wrong with saying it's obsolete.  But it's obsolete."

2/19/17 Vice President Mike Pence, Munich
"The United States of America strongly supports NATO and will be unwavering in our commitment to the trans-Atlantic alliance."

11/2015 Trump during campaign speech
We should "bomb the shit" out of IS refineries in Iraq.  Then US oil companies would, "rebuild that sucker brand new.  It will be beautiful and I'll take the oil.  And I said I'll take the oil." (That's not a typo by the way.  That's what you said.)

"I'd take the oil for our country." (You said it again in case we missed it the first two times.)

1/2017 Trump speaking to CIA
"We should have kept the oil.  But okay.  Maybe you'll have another chance." (Insert maniac-like grin here.)

2/20/17  Defense Secretary Jim Mattis
"We're not in Iraq to seize anybody's oil."

This is why the world doesn't take you seriously.  Is this not obvious?  Duh.

Amy Beaton

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

#19) Truthiness

February 21, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

The following quote is from an article by Matt Malone, S.J., Editor-in-Chief of the Jesuit magazine America.

"The founders knew, as Thomas Jefferson wrote, that 'a despotic government always [keeps] a kind of standing army of news writers who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truthput into the papers whatever might serve the ministers.'  Jefferson believed that the pursuit of truth, especially those empirical facts that are the first instance of truth and the foundation of good journalism, is the surest guard against tyranny, so much so that he once said that if he had to choose between newspapers without a government, or a government without newspapers, he preferred the former."

Sitting here on the cusp of this world of alternative facts with a press that is increasingly unable to do its job is scary for me.  I suppose the Sean Spicers and Kellyanne Conways of your administration will be well rewarded (somehow) for spewing your lies.  I am watching and listening to the news less and less because I feel, more and more, that your surrogates and public agents can't be trusted to speak truthfully or even rationally.

I fully expect to see another new entry in Wikipedia soon – Trumpian Logic. How would one even define that oxymoron?


Amy Beaton

Monday, February 20, 2017

#18) It's Your Party and You Can Cry If You Want To

February 20, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

Here's my favorite headline from the past few days:
            "Donald Trump is ignoring the real issues and holding a pep rally
            just because he needs an ego boost."
                                                -the Independent

Well, good luck convincing the world that not everyone hates you. 

Amy Beaton

P.S.  Let's light a candle and say a prayer for the poor people of Sweden during this time of catastrophe. Have we learned nothing from the tragedy at Bowling Green?

P.P.S.  Did you know that Bowling Green Massacre is now an actual Wikipedia entry?  You truly are changing the world.  One alternative fact at a time.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

#17) One More Time

February 19, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

I probably shouldn't, but I really want to come back to that shit show of a press conference one more time. The scene I keep replaying in my mind is when you were asked about the recent string of aggressive actions taken by Russia.

Just to re-cap:  There is a Russian spy ship cruising around off the east coast, mostly in the vicinity of Virginia (our nation's largest naval base).  Russia deployed a nuclear cruise missile in direct violation of the INF Treaty.  Four Russian aircraft buzzed a US naval destroyer in the Black Sea, coming dangerously close.  All within a 3 week period!

And when a reporter asked what your response to this was you said, "Russia is fake news."  You said the best thing you could do, politically, would be to shoot that ship "right out of the water" (that's an actual act of war by the way).  You said that, "nuclear holocaust would be like no other. "  No shit!!  But the question was, "What is your response going to be?"

I hope you understand that stability of the entire European Continent is at stake as well as the fragile peace that currently exists between the US and Russia (historic enemies with nuclear potential).

Since you wouldn't answer that reporter, and now you've had a few days to think about it, maybe you will answer me on behalf of the American people

Yours Most Sincerely,
Amy "The People" Beaton

Saturday, February 18, 2017

#16) Fail

February 18, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

Sorry that I haven't written in a while.  Truth be told it was getting pretty depressing. I needed to remove myself a little bit to gain better perspective. But then, that press conference, whoa!  Where do I begin with that one?!  I had to watch it twice to digest it all.  Here's some feedback about it:
A)   Stop trying to settle scores with the media.  They are not, in fact, an enemy of the people. 
B)   Stop berating journalists and people that you don't like.  It makes you look petty and desperate. 
C)   Enough with the self-promotion.  Dear God!  Nobody wants to hear your alternative facts about your landslide win (mostly because it wasn't a landslide) or the smooth running of your "fine tuned machine" (it's painful to even type that).
D)   When you hold a press conference, you should answer the questions.  That press conference was your idea dummy.  You had a chance to talk about real issues and totally blew it.

Remember, this isn't about whether Obama was a better president or whether Hilary Clinton would have been a better presidentthis is just about you as our actual, factual president.  You are unstable, out of touch, inconsistent, untruthful, full of empty promises, long on platitudes, and short on specifics.  I believe that history will record that press conference as the beginning of your administration's collapse.

Facts are truths to which there are no alternatives.  And it is a fact sir, that you are failing (rather spectacularly) as our president.

Amy Beaton

Thursday, February 9, 2017

#14) The Force Awakens

February 7, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

I'd like to give a shout out and a great big thank you to all of the reasonable, thoughtful Republicans who have spoken out against your rash of executive orders and outrageously provocative tweets.  (I started to compile a list but it got too long.  After 20 I knew I couldn't list them all in this letter.)  It made me think about how dysfunctional and unproductive our very divided congress has been these past 8 years.  And how now, thanks to your awfulness, we have Republicans and Democrats coming togetherworking togethertalking togetherdrafting press statements togetherand agreeing on things.  Wow!  How ironic that the unifying force is you – our most divisive leader in history!

It's kind of like when Anakin Skywalker progressed so far down the path of the dark side of the force that he became Darth Vader and his ultimate evilness was actually the thing that restored balance to the universe.  You're like my personal Darth Vader Mr. Trump.  I look forward to your downfall restoring balance to our broken political system.


Amy Beaton