February 18, 2017
Dear Mr. President,
Sorry that I haven't written in a while. Truth be told it was getting pretty
depressing. I needed to remove myself a little bit to gain better perspective.
But then, that press conference, whoa!
Where do I begin with that one?!
I had to watch it twice to digest it all. Here's some feedback about it:
Stop trying to settle scores with the
media. They are not, in fact, an enemy
of the people.
Stop berating journalists and people that you
don't like. It makes you look petty and
Enough with the self-promotion. Dear God!
Nobody wants to hear your alternative facts about your landslide win
(mostly because it wasn't a
landslide) or the smooth running of your "fine tuned machine" (it's
painful to even type that).
When you hold a press conference, you should
answer the questions. That press
conference was your idea dummy. You had
a chance to talk about real issues and totally blew it.
Remember, this isn't about whether Obama was a better president or whether Hilary
Clinton would have been a better president…this
is just about you as our actual, factual president. You are unstable, out of touch, inconsistent,
untruthful, full of empty promises, long on platitudes, and short on
specifics. I believe that history will
record that press conference as the beginning of your administration's
Facts are truths to which there are no alternatives. And it is a fact sir, that you are failing (rather
spectacularly) as our president.
Amy Beaton
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