Wednesday, August 16, 2017

#153) to Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House

Paul Ryan
Office of the Speaker
H-232 The Capital
Washington, DC  20515

August 16, 2017

Dear Mr. Speaker,

I urge you to bring forth articles of impeachment against Donald Trump in the House of Representatives.  This past week (4 days ago we were on the brink of nuclear war with North Korea and today are faced with presidential support of Nazism) has shown the world just how unfit he is for the office.  I understand that you can't impeach someone for being an asshole.  I get thatI paid attention in civics class.  What I'm saying is that he is more than just an asshole.  He's a dangerous and unstable asshole.  He has neither the emotional stability nor the intellectual abilities to run our country safely or effectively.  Because of this it is time that Republican leaders such as yourself take a stand against him and begin the process of impeachment.

When I saw the events unfolding in Charlottesville, Virginia I was sickened.  I couldn't believe that innocent people could be run down, injured and killed by white supremacists and neo-Nazis here in my country.  To think that our President did not immediately disavow this for the hate crime that it is, or that he is in doubt as to which party was in the right makes me question his sanity.  If he truly cannot see the difference between racists and Nazis and the counter-demonstrators opposing them, then we have a huge problem - a problem that is your responsibility to fix. This is not a case of hatred and bigotry "on many sides".  There are only two sides here; one is right, one is wrong and it's not overly complicated.

If you were wondering when it would be the right moment to break ranks with the President and your party and speak up – this is it.  This is the game changer.  This is the time to honor your oath as a democratically elected official and protect the people who chose you to represent them.  The time to remove Donald Trump from office has come.

Thank you for your time.

Amy Beaton 

P.S.  Sorry for the swear words.  Under the circumstances I hope that you understand.

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