Tuesday, January 16, 2018

#171) Wake Up & Smell The Ethics Violations

Paul Ryan
Speaker of the House
H-232 The Capital
Washington, DC  20515

January 16, 2018

Dear Mr. Speaker,

Well, God bless National Public Radio for bringing together Richard Painter and Norman Eisen (ethics advisors from both ends of the political spectrum) this morning on Morning Edition.  They so perfectly summed up what has been on my mind for a year now; they both agree that Donald Trump's first year as president is the most unethical in modern history and something needs to be done about it.

Donald Trump is under the false impression that he is exempt from ethics laws because he is the President.  He actually tweeted, "The president can't have a conflict of interest."  He seems to think that if the president does it then it's not illegal, like being the president gives him a free pass somehow.  I'm not sure where this magical thinking comes from, but it is wrong and Painter and Eisen (along with Citizens for Responsible Ethics in Washington or CREW) have clearly outlined why.

This morning Richard Painter said,
            "The most serious, most dangerous problem with President Trump is he ignores
            the Constitution.  And with respect to financial conflicts of interest, the
            Constitution has a provision that prohibits any person holding a position of
            trust in the United States government from receiving profits and benefits
            from foreign governments.  It's called the emoluments clause but it is very clear.      
           The founders did not want anyone, including the president, receiving profits and benefits 
            from dealings with foreign governments.  He has ignored that.  He has refused to divest of
            businesses that are borrowing money from foreign governments and foreign government 
            owned banks that are doing business with foreign governments.  And that is one of many 
            serious violations of the Constitution."

The good news here is that we have a clear constitutional framework with guidelines and prohibitions that the President and his advisors can use to navigate his time in office.  The bad news is that it is the responsibility of the Congress to hold him and his advisors responsible - to ensure that the guidelines and prohibitions of the Constitution are being upheld!   So although we find ourselves in the novel situation of having a president with extensive global business interests, we aren't exactly running blind.  We have the Constitution and over 200 years of ethics protocol to guide us.  You just have to man up and enforce the Constitution!

I believe that Congress' failure to hold Donald Trump accountable for his ethics violations is eroding the public trust.  Faith in our government is at an all time low.  It is, in fact, why so many people voted for Donald Trump in the first place; he was the "outsider" who was going to "drain the swamp" that is Washington, DC.  He wasn't going to do "business as usual".   Well his contempt for ethics is now spreading like a contagion and reinforcing the popular belief that not only is our government  broken, but anything goes as long as you can get away with it in the court of public opinion. It's not survival of the fittest so much as survival of the brashest.

I fear what will become of our society if you don't do something to stop the ethical violations of Donald Trump.  There are many legal movements underway across this country to do just that.  You should check them out.


Amy Beaton

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