Thursday, February 15, 2018

#174) A Conversation

February 15, 2018

Dear Mr. President,

In the wake of yesterday's school shooting in Florida, you took your thumbs off of Twitter long enough to address the nation in person on camera.  Well, as a member of this nation I would like to address you right back. 

Here's the conversation that I wish I could have with you.  Your words are bolded in quotes and mine are not (just so you can follow my imaginary discourse with you.)

"Today I speak to a nation in grief."
            We're not really in grief.  We are numb because this is the eighteenth school shooting just 
            since January.  That is only 7 weeks and it is twice as many as this time last year.  This is our
            new normal.  We went through grief years ago. 

"Our entire nation with one heavy heart is praying for the victims and their families."
            Actually there are millions of us who are not praying.  We are screaming.  We are writing   letters.  We are calling our Congressional representatives.  We are holding vigils and marching and             making posters and getting angry.  It's not that we don't feel the pain of the victims and their             families, it is just that we want to stop their pain and suffering and we realize that praying will             do nothing to end this very preventable violence.

"We are here for you whatever you need.  Whatever we can do to ease your pain."
            What we really need are gun laws that will keep semi-automatic weapons out of the hands of             children!!  Don't give us your pity.  Just enact legislation that will protect us.  Our pain 
            would  be greatly eased if we knew that these weapons were not out there on the streets and    
            that anyone...and I mean anyone...can have one.

"We are all joined together as one American family."
            We are absolutely NOT joined together.  We are splintered, fractured, and dysfunctional.    
            There are those who support the NRA's position that anyone can own as many weapons 
            as they like, of any type with absolutely no restrictions or even oversight.  Then there 
            are those who think that weapons designed to be used in combat and to kill as many people 
            as possible as quickly as possible should be banned or at the very least registered and
            controlled.  A school shooting tragedy such as the one in Florida yesterday does not unite us 
            as one family.  It deepens the anger, resentment and divisiveness that is so ever present in our 
            society and that you often exploit for personal and political gain.

"No child, no teacher should ever be in danger in an American school."
            Are you joking?!  Public schools are, literally, the most dangerous places in America.  There
            are reams and reams of data showing this.  Where have you been for the past 10 years?!   
            There have been 18 school shooting is just the past 7 weeks.  More people have died in a  
            public school shooting in the past year than in all of our armed forces combined, even those
            serving in active combat areas like Afghanistan.  Every student in every school is in danger 
            every single day.

"No parent should have to fear for their sons and daughters when they kiss them goodbye in the morning."
            I agree but the questions is this, what are you going to do about it?  How do you propose to             alleviate their fears?  Overstating the obvious is a useless waste of time and doesn't help  

There have been approximately 325 mass shootings since you assumed the office of President last January.  You have made public remarks about only 4 of them.  You did, however, speak to the NRA conference in April and vociferously assured them that "the assault on gun rights was over" and that you would "come through" for them because they came through for you.

You actually have the power to put an end to this madness.  You could enact legislation that would limit ownership of these weapons but you don't.  I am disgusted by you, your party, and the maniacs that are unwilling to protect the lives of innocent Americans.


Amy Beaton

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