Paul Ryan
Speaker of the House
H-232 The Capital
Washington, DC 20515
March 14, 2018
Dear Mr. Speaker,
I like data. I find
that numbers can really help to give shape to ideas. Here are some numbers for you to think about
today while tens of thousands of public school students and staff walk out of
their schools to bring awareness to the need for reasonable gun control laws in
this country.
There are 5 million NRA members in the United States.
There are over 200 million registered voters in the United
States (that's 195 million voters who are not NRA members)
In 2018, the millennial generation (people aged 18-34) is
set to pass baby boomers as the largest voter eligible group in the country.
8,346,246 teenagers who weren't old enough to vote in 2016
will be eligible in 2018.
16,692,493 will be eligible to vote in 2020.
I don't think the odds are in your favor on this one. I think you and the Republican Party should
be bracing yourselves for some very disruptive mid-term elections this fall and
then a complete sea change in 2020.
Don't say you weren't warned.
Amy Beaton
P.S. I saw a great
bumper sticker this morning that said, "You can't fix stupid, but you can
vote it out of office."
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