Thursday, April 23, 2020

#198) It's a Lying Shame (woops, I mean sham)

April 22, 2020

Dear Damp Nut,

In yet another truth-is-stranger-than-fiction series of events, Dr. Rick Bright was removed from his role as director of the BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority) team tasked with developing a coronavirus vaccine because...drum roll, please...he publicly stated that the anti-malaria drug that you've been promoting as a "cure" for the virus doesn't actually work.  How shocking!

Dr. Bright's demotion was obviously (painfully obviously) politically motivated. 
He suggested that we should, "limit the broad use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine promoted by the administration as a panacea, but which clearly lack scientific merit."  He went on to point out that those drugs have significant side effects, no proven benefits, and even increased deaths in a small study of military veterans diagnosed with covid-19. 

Luckily for the American people, Dr. Bright is not going quietly.  He remains vocal about your inept handling of this health emergency, has engaged a legal team, and is cooperating with the Inspector General's office who is investigating "the manner in which this administration has politicized the work of BARDA and has pressured Dr. Bright and other conscientious scientists to fund companies with political connections and efforts that lack scientific merit."

In all honesty I am no longer shocked by your crazy, illegal, and immoral behavior.  It's the people that surround and support you, however, the people that enable your crimes and are willing to do anything to assuage your fragile ego that are the ones that keep me up at night. (Like the mid-level shmuck who had to face Dr. Bright across a desk and actually fire him. Yeah, I'd love to meet that guy.) Hitler was only one man after all.  He could not have done what he did if he didn't have legions of followers who believed in his perverted dreams.   

You piss me off, but it's your followers who really scare me.  And if you had any sense at all they would scare you too. 

With Disgust,
Amy Beaton

P.S.  Interesting side note:  Sanofi is a French drug company that makes chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine.  One of Sanofi's largest shareholders is a douchebag named Ken Fisher who is also a major Trump campaign donor.  It's a small world after all!

Putting the word "possible" in front of the word cure when referring to chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus cure doesn't it make it any less of a criminal lie that endangers the health and safety of innocent and gullible Americans (you the idiots who voted for you).

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