Monday, April 3, 2017

#59) No Second Chances

April 3, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

I've been concerned about the nuclear situation that is growing in North Korea for quite some time now. But here's what makes me even more concernedyour response to it!  Here's why:

1)    Rex Tillerson doesn't have any experience.  It seems to me that if the POTUS doesn't have any diplomatic, military, or governmental experience then it becomes doubly important that the Secretary of States DOES.  Shouldn't at least one person in that three-ring circus that you call an administration know what he's doing?  Especially when it involves a possible nuclear war?  Seriously, it's like the blind leading the stupid and the fate of all humankind is at stake.
2)    On Sunday when you said, "Well if China is not going to solve North Korea we will.  That is all I am telling you."   I get that you're trying to sound tough and take charge, but your monosyllabic, vague, this-is-top-secret-stuff response really makes you sound stupid.  North Korea's nuclear program and unstable leadership situation are complicated and dangerous threats that deserve a well thought-out, polysyllabic response.  Nobody believes your fallacy of oversimplification or that there's an easy, quick fix to the North Korea situation.  Also, North Korea is a sovereign nation of 25 million people, not a Rubik's Cube to be "solved."
3)    I know you campaigned against China's unfair trade policies and you are convinced that you will be able to leverage that into getting China to intervene with North Korea in a way that is beneficial to us (kind of like getting Mexico to pay for the wall), but getting back to that oversimplification-thing from #2that's not going to work.  Trade threats aren't going to get you much when dealing with China because the overriding issue is that destabilizing North Korea will send hundreds of thousands – possibly even millions – of refugees across the Chinese border.  Do you even own a map?  These are the things you would know if you had a decent Secretary of State.

In Peace,
Amy Beaton

P.S. Do not f**k this up Mr. Trump.  You do not get second chances with nuclear war.

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