Friday, May 5, 2017

#85) How is this a win?

May 5, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

I don't know what the hell you're celebrating.  You got a healthcare bill through the House of Representatives, that does NOT make it the law of the land.  The next step for your bill is for it to go to the Senate.  You may not be aware of this, but the Senate has said unequivocally that they will not vote on your bill.  They are drafting their own rather than voting on yours, and once they do the two groups will have to come together to conference and merge the two bills into one document that both chambers agree on.  I think the likelihood of that happening any time soon is quite slim. (FYI School House Rock has a great video series that explains how a bill becomes a law with catchy music and cute cartoonsvery informative.)

You took this bill to a vote without any analysis of 1) how much it would cost, and 2) who it would cover.  This was probably intentional on your part because the last time the Congressional Budget Office evaluated your plan they said 24 million people would lose insurance coverage and premiums would rise dramatically for seniors and low-income people (the two groups who need insurance coverage the most).  Basically you are choosing to fly blind here rather than face any uncomfortable truths.  This isn't leadership, it's cowardice (with a little bit of manipulation on the side).

You seem quite pleased with yourself and you keep calling this a "win" but how so?  You promised insurance for everyone, lower premium costs, lower deductible costs, no Medicaid cuts, and protection for people with pre-existing conditions.  These were your goals (and I agree with all of them). But you didn't get ANY of that is this House bill.  None of your goals was met. So just what exactly do you think you have won?  I don't get it.

During your celebratory speech yesterday you said, "People are suffering so badly with the ravages of Obamacare."  What planet are you living on!?!  No one is being "ravaged" by health insurance.  I'm not even sure you know what that word means.  Usually your speeches are just inflammatory and provocative, but that one was completely out of touch. 

You've got a weird way of operating Mr. Trump.  I don't get it.

Amy Beaton

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