Saturday, May 20, 2017

#98) Responses from the Twittersphere

May 20, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

The other day you gave the commencement speech at the Coast Guard Academy graduation and were thoroughly skewered by the entire Internet because you only talked about yourself.  Does your ego have no limits?  Anyway, I really got a hoot out of reading the comments and I thought you might too.  So here are some of my favorites; they are in response to when you said,  "No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly." 

@tedlieu:  That's because no President in history has been worse.

@CharlieYoungEsq:   under a picture of Nelson Mandela he writes, "Umm...ok..."

@popehat:    Coast guard cadets know that a flailing, drowning person can be dangerous to would-be rescuers.

@TrumpDementia:    Even one whose birthplace and religion were constantly questioned by his eventual successor?

@BSmegg:    I'd say Kennedy, McKinley and Lincoln were, all things considered, demonstrably treated more "unfairly" than Trump has been to date.

@StevenSSWrites:  What about Lyin' Ted Cruz, Little Marco Rubio, or Fake Tears Schumer?

@adharves:  I'd be interested in the views of Jakarta's jailed governor Ahok on Trump's assertion about politicians treated unfairly.

@tar791:    Lincoln and JFK did not respond immediately to requests for comment...

@DavidCornDC:  Apparently not even Julius Caesar

@WTFisGoingOnDon:   In 1672, a mob of angry Dutch killed and ate their prime minister. Options.  Just sayin'.

And I would personally like to add that Hilary Clinton was treated a whole lot more unfairly during the 2016 campaign. She handled it with dignity and grace and should be a role model for politicians everywhere.

Amy Beaton

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