Saturday, June 10, 2017

#113) Odd Man Out

June 10, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

This is my 113th letter to you and the themes are becoming very (almost painfully) clear.  Today's letter falls under the theme of Incompetence (surprise surprise). It's about you and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson sending contradictory messages about the crisis in Qatar.

While Tillerson was urging the Gulf states to ease their blockade of Qatar because of its "humanitarian consequences" (food shortages, separation of families) as well as it's effect on the US (hurting US businesses, hampering military operations at our air base) you were out there A) supporting the blockade, and B) taking credit for it!  I'm thinking that you probably didn't know that our base in Qatar is responsible for all US military operations "from Egypt to Pakistan and north through Afghanistan and all the way to the border with Russia" and what a blockade would mean to us. 

Now it has emerged that Russia possibly planted the fake news story that led the Gulf states to sever relations with Qatar.  It wasn't because of you or your recent trip to  Riyadh.  Yet again, you are way off base and talking about things that are totally out of your depth.  But here's what concerns me more - if you aren't on the same page as your Secretary of State, just who exactly are you in sync with?  The Secretary of State should be your right-hand man...number 1 on your speed dial.  You guys should go together like peanut butter and jelly.  So what's going on? 

I know you like to be seen as the guy in charge, but over and over again you look more like the odd man out.

Amy Beaton

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