Friday, June 23, 2017

#123) "1600 Daily" is a joke

June 23, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

I get these email updates from you called "1600 Daily".  Ironically enough they don't arrive daily, but I won't dwell on that because I've got bigger fish to fry today.  This is what you sent me two days ago:

            "Donald J. Trump is embracing big change, bold thinking, and outsider         
            perspectives to transform government and make it work better, and at far less 
            cost.  This new spirit of innovation will make life better for all Americans by        
            modernizing critical IT systems, making government more transparent, and          
            saving tax payers up to $1 trillion dollars over the next 10 years."

You know me Mr. Trump, I'm a stickler for the truth and I just can't let this one slip by without speaking up.  I'll break it down bit by bit for you so you don't get too overwhelmed.

1.     I see no "change" or "bold thinking" although your "outsider perspective" was on display quite a bit this week.  For instance, when you were unsure about what our current relationship with Panama is, when you didn't know that your Sec. of State was endorsing a different Middle East action plan than you, when you tried to intimidate James Comey into silence by threatening to release secret recordings (which don't exist) of your conversations, when you didn't know that we had sold $12 billion worth of fighter jets to a majority Muslim nation that you said is the world's largest supporter of terrorism.  That's just a sampling of your "outsider perspective".  I guess you are so far outside that you don't really know what's going on inside.
2.     You have offered absolutely no evidence that the government is "working better and at far less cost."  In fact, the 5 separate Congressional probes into the criminal activities of your administration are costing the American tax payer a fortune, not to mention your excessive travel to your private homes.  In just the first 80 days of your presidency you spent $20 million of federal money going to Mar-A-Lago. You are, literally, the most expensive president the United States has ever had.  And you continue to spend and spend while at the same time asking the government to cut non-defense spending (non-defense spending is all the stuff that actually helps the average citizenlike food and education).
3.     Your administration has limited federal agency communications (such as the National Park Service) as well as journalist access to what should be public information (such as White House briefings) skirting dangerously close to what looks like limiting the First Amendment. You hand-pick media outlets to share information with and have actively created a hostile environment by saying that the media is "the enemy of the people."  This is NOT "making government more transparent" in ANY way.
4.     The Diet Coke button on your desk is not a "critical IT system" although it does represent a "new spirit of innovation".
5.     I would dearly love to see tax payers saving "$1 trillion dollars."  Please show me the balance sheet so that I can give credit where credit is due.  You will remember, however, that there was a $2 trillion dollar math error in your recent budget proposal so I am a little wary of your figures.

Oh well, time to get back to weeding.

Amy Beaton

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