Wednesday, June 14, 2017

#117) A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

June 14, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

I'm feeling too disgusted to write a really meaningful letter today.  Jeff Sessions' testimony to Congress yesterday was a non-starter for me.  Just more of the same blather with no substance or resolution.  I now understand why most Americans are so apathetic about politics.  I've heard for years from people that "it doesn't matter", "they're all the same", "nothing is going to change", and I'm finally starting to believe them.

Then there is the shooting this morning of Republican members of Congress who were at baseball practice in Virginia.  I know absolutely nothing about the shooter, his mental state, or his motives...but I DO know that if we had reasonable gun control laws in this country he wouldn't have been armed and nobody would have been hurt.  How many innocent people have to be injured or killed before we take a stand against guns?

It's just not in me today to write anything good.  Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Amy Beaton

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