Saturday, June 24, 2017

#124) HIV/AIDS

June 24, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

Last week 6 members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS resigned and you didn't bat an eyelash.  Which isn't surprising of course.  During the campaign when you were just Candidate Trump you refused to meet with HIV advocates so your position on the subject was made fairly clear.  But HIV and AIDS aren't going away and ignoring them won't make them go away.  This is a problem that needs to be dealt with.

Shortly after your inauguration the Office of National AIDS Policy website was removed.  Despite many requests for information your administration has never explained why.  The Board members who resigned say that you just don't care and I'm inclined to believe them.  But like I already said, HIV/AIDS is not going to go away.  Bill Clinton recognized this when he formed the Presidential Advisory Council in 1995.  He formed the Council because HIV is an epidemic; a fast spreading, deadly epidemic.  And he knew, as most leaders do, that any disease with the potential to kill a large percentage of the population should be addressed head-on by the government (not ignored).  Thanks to a steady influx of cash and research tremendous progress has been made in slowing down the spread of the disease as well as improving outcomes for patients. 

Currently, the United States is seen as a world leader in HIV/AIDS research and care.  This is something to be proud of because HIV is a global epidemic and germs don't really care about national borders.  But rather than capitalize on the progress we have made, your budget proposes to cut $149 million to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) for HIV prevention AS WELL AS cutting $550 million to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) AIDS research program.  This is a step back that will be felt all over the world.  I hope you are prepared to live with the consequences of this.

This isn't leadership...this isn't even common sense.

Amy Beaton

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