Monday, January 8, 2018

#168 Let's Get Real

Paul Ryan
Speaker of the House
H-232 The Capital
Washington, DC  20515

January 8, 2018

Dear Mr. Speaker,

Imagine my surprise and excitement when I opened my email this morning to see that I had received a letter from you.  That excitement evaporated pretty quickly, however, once I read it.

You said, "Thank you for contacting me.  The first responsibility of the federal government is to keep the American people safe.  That is why we are working every day to secure our borders, rebuild our military, and defeat the threat of radical Islamist terrorism." 

Well, I also believe that "the first responsibility of the federal government is to keep the American people safe."  But unfortunately, I do NOT see securing our borders, building up our military and defeating radical Islamist terrorism as ways to deal with the biggest threat facing the American people.  In case you have been living under a rock for the past 18 months, Donald Trump (and by extension his family) is the biggest threat that we face.

You can't turn on a radio or television, pick up a newspaper or magazine without being bombarded by the fact that most of this country questions his psychological and cognitive abilities.  And also, just in case you actually have been living under a rock, these aren't fringe groups that are calling him unfit.  These are major, mainstream, reputable news outlets, journalists, professionals, historians and even doctors. This isn't just Democrats crying sour grapes hell bent on revenge because of their loss in the 2016 election.  Politicians (both active and retired) of both parties have called Donald Trump's judgment, intelligence and temperament into question.  In short, this country is very publicly coming to terms with the reality that our leader is unfit.  And this, sir, is your responsibility.

As an intelligent and reasonable person surely you can see the threat that Donald Trump poses to the American people.  Anyone who has a television has seen his off the wall speeches - monosyllabic, repetitive and sometimes incoherent.  Anyone with a computer or cell phone can read his bizarre tweets.  One doesn't necessarily need to be a PhD. level psychiatrist to see his fragile emotional and mental state.  Donald Trump's inability to safely and effectively lead this country is glaringly obvious to EVERYONE and people are beginning to talk openly about it.

As Speaker of the House and a representative of the federal government you have a responsibility (as you said yourself) to "keep the American people safe."  So instead of hiding behind the very minor threats of illegal immigration and terrorism why don't you man up and face the REAL threat...the presidency of Donald Trump.  Remove him from office now.


Amy Beaton

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