Wednesday, February 28, 2018

#180) Dick's Sporting Goods

Edward Stack, Chairman and CEO
Dick's Sporting Goods
345 Court St.
Coraopolis, PA  15108

March 1, 2018

Dear Mr. Stack,

I spend an inordinate amount of time writing angry letters to politicians who can't or won't do what's right for the American people.  So it is with much relief and gratitude that I write to you today to thank you for stopping the sale of assault-style rifles and limiting other gun sales to those over 21 in your stores nationwide.

As you said so perfectly in your open letter, "But thoughts and prayers are not enough.  We have to help solve the problem that's in front of us.  Gun violence is an epidemic that's taking the lives of too many people, including the brightest hope for the future of America – our kids."

Thank you for being willing to take the lead on this issue.  I'm sure that you will lose some customers because of it, but me and my family of six will make it a point to buy from you from now on.


Amy Beaton

#179) Defense vs. Prevention (yes, they are different)

February 28, 2018

Dear Mr. President,

As we all know, nuance is not your strength (you're more of a short, simple, declarative sentence kind of guy) so I'm going to explain a somewhat nuanced argument to you as simply as I can.  You and the NRA keep talking about defending schools with more fire power, more secure perimeters, and more displays of strength and might but what the people are actually asking for is prevention.  Prevention is NOT THE SAME as defense.  The Parkland, Florida students who have mobilized so effectively and so eloquently are talking about preventing school gun violence by removing the f*cking guns, especially automatics and semi-automatics.  Defending vs. preventing may seem like a subtle difference to you but to the rest of the world (those of us who are able to think about big ideas) it is huge.  Arming teachers and bringing more weapons into schools is the complete opposite of what most teachers, students, and families are asking for.

Violence begets violence.  History has shown us this over and over again and I believe that introducing more fire power into an already stressful and chaotic environment could have catastrophic consequences.  First off, accidents will happen.  As any parent or adult who spends a lot of time with children knows, they are unpredictable, curious and sometimes just impulsive little people who do not always follow directions.  This makes a loaded weapon in the classroom setting an accident waiting to happen.  Second off, an armed and scared teacher could accidentally shoot the wrong person.  They may have the best intentions in the world and even weapons training, but under the stress of an active shooter situation mistakes could be made that can never be un-made.  Thirdly, and most importantly, the police won't know who's who when they show up with their guns.  So now we've just got a bunch of stressed, scared and armed people trying to do the right thing by shooting someone...especially someone brandishing a gun (which could be a teacher, student or staff member). 

Mr. President, I am in favor of preventing school shootings.  Neither I nor my family would feel safer with armed teachers, armed guards, or arms of any kind in our schools.  Schools should be places of learning and creativity, but the defensive measures that you are describing would turn my school into a prison.

It's time to limit – rather than increase - ownership of automatic weapons.  I believe that is the best way to make our communities safe again.


Amy Beaton

P.S.  If you spent a few days in any public school anywhere in America you would very quickly realize what a dangerously stupid idea arming teachers and school staff is.  

Thursday, February 22, 2018

#178) Just The Facts

February 22, 2018

Dear Mr. President,

I've got good news for you today...I'm not going to bore you with another super long nagging letter about what a crap job you are doing running this country.  I'm just going to let the facts speak for themselves.

Since January 1 (that's 54 days) firearms have been used to
kill 2,073 people in the United States and wound 3,551.


Amy Beaton
*This statistic is from the group Gun Violence Archive, a non-profit organization 
that tracks incidents of gun violence from media, law enforcement, government, 
and commercial sources.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

#177) How We Got Here

Paul Ryan
Speaker of the House
H-232 The Capital
Washington, DC  20515

February 21, 2018

Dear Mr. Speaker,

In case you are wondering why your office is suddenly being inundated with angry phone calls, letters and emails about your lack of leadership on banning automatic and semi-automatic weapons let me break it down simply for you.

December 3, 2015
After 14 were shot and killed at a disability center in California you said:
"We need to fix our mental illness laws."

June 12, 2016
After 49 were shot and killed at a nightclub in Florida you said:
"It is horrifying to see so many innocent lives cut short by cowardice."

October 3, 2017
After 58 were shot and killed at a concert in Las Vegas you said:
"Right now, we're focused on passing our budget."

November 6, 2017
After 26 people were shot and killed at a church in Texas you said:
"The right thing to do is to pray in moments like this, because you know what?  Prayer works."

February 15, 2018
After 17 people were shot and killed at a high school in Florida you said:
"Right now, I think we need to take a breath."

This is the nuts and bolts of it, but let me flush it out a little more for you just so you can see where all this hate and anger towards you is coming from.
·      It is not illegal to have a mental illness.  And in a country where it is easier to purchase a gun than to access mental health care it should not surprise you that people see that as a option to end their suffering.
·      In February 2017 you and Donald Trump overturned the Obama-era regulation that provided background checks for people with mental illnesses purchasing guns.
·       Not a single one of these shooters was an Islamic terrorist or an illegal immigrant.  No wall would have stopped these people.
·      These innocent lives were not "cut short by cowardice" they were cut short by bullets fired from very powerful guns.
·      While 58 people were killed in the Las Vegas concert shooting, remember that over 500 were injured.  These people survived the largest mass shooting in American history.  They are alive, they are traumatized, they have families and friends who want to prevent this from every happening again, and they vote.
·      The surviving children from the Parkland, Florida school shooting are organizing.  They have had enough and they do not need to "take a breath".  They are taking matters into their own hands, turning their grief into action and you should be very scared of their movement because they are coming for you and the NRA.


Amy Beaton

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

#176) Please Don't Get Murdered At School Today

Senator Rand Paul
167 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC  20510

February 22, 2018

Dear Senator Paul,

This story was written by Kimberly Harrington (a Vermonter) and published in McSweeney's  January 27, 2016.

Please Don't Get Murdered At School Today

Do you have everything? Homework? Lunch? Field trip money?

I love you.

I remember that one of the Sandy Hook parents said that they took comfort in the fact that they had seen their child off to school that morning — you know that morning — and said, “I love you.” So before their first grader was gunned down in her classroom, she knew that she was loved. I bet they all did though.

But just in case, I love you.

We’ve talked about all kinds of scary things, like I’ve told you never to get into a car with anyone you don’t know and don’t ever believe that an adult needs your help finding a puppy or a kitten. Also: no one will ever give you a free iPad or Legos from their car, that’s just not how the world works.
But for some reason, amidst all the talk of stranger danger and pedophiles, cancer and dying, and me sheepishly asking your friends’ parents if they have a gun in the house, we haven’t really talked about one of the scariest things of all. Those lockdown drills you’re always having at school? No one’s being straight with you about those. They’re to prepare you in case someone decides to come into your school and murder you, your friends, your principal, the secretaries, and teachers before killing himself (it’s pretty much always a him). Sorry about that.

I love you.

I know that may sound scary, but what you need to remember is that this country was founded on freedom. And that includes the freedom of all people (sane, crazy, whatever) to have unchallenged access to guns that are capable of executing at least 20 first graders or 12 moviegoers or 9 of the faithful at a church service or even a baby asleep in her car seat. This is very, very important in terms of staying true to the principles and spirit upon which this country was founded. Just ask the Internet.

I love you.

Also: I think the real victims here are the politicians, how can they be expected to do what’s morally right when they lost their way, not to mention their souls, so very long ago? These politicians — most of whom have children, grandchildren, maybe even great grandchildren of their own — have no qualms about walking past grief-stricken parents who clutch photos of their murdered children to their chests and telling them in so many words, “You don’t have to go home but you can’t cry here.”
They have to know, deep down, that what they’re doing is wrong and the world certainly knows that what they’re doing is wrong but they put their suits on like it’s any other job or maybe they’re convinced that they’re righteous people doing God’s work. But they are no more doing God’s work than the ones who have pulled the trigger over and over again.

And again.

And yet again.

Ad infinitum.
I love you.

I’m sorry, I wish I had better news. But let’s keep our sympathies where they belong — with the powerful and the armed. With those who feel threatened in the face of the most toothless efforts to hold back the bloodshed and those who believe scary monster stories about their guns being taken away. Let’s face it, it would be easier to take away the ocean or the stars. Did you know that there are more guns than people in this country? That means everyone in your class already has a gun with their name on it, so to speak. Maybe mention that at share time.

I love you.

You could also tell your class that sometimes when I hear a lot of ambulances and fire trucks go by, sirens filling the air with panic, I pay close attention to whether they’re heading in the direction of your school. And if they are, I check Twitter and our town hashtag and the fire department account to see if anyone’s mentioned your school. When I get the all clear I think, “Someone else’s tragedy today, suckers!”

And sometimes I wonder, what if one or both of you gets murdered at school? How will I ever forgive myself for sending you there? You know, to school. But do you want to know what makes me feel better? The fact that you could be massacred pretty much anywhere these days! Such a relief, right? So off you go!
I love you.

Yes I know, I know, you’re going to be late. Just to wrap up, our country has chosen to shift all of the weight regarding your safety away from our lawmakers and gun manufacturers and instead put it squarely on the shoulders of your principal and teachers. These people who kneel down on the first day of school so they’re just as tall as you. These people who shake your hand and say, “Good morning!” and help you rehearse for the spring concert and take you on field trips to see different rock formations — they are now in charge of keeping you from getting murdered. Which really is the least they can do for all that money they make.

I love you.

Oh hey, quick reminder, tell your teacher that I’ll be picking you up at 2 o’clock for your dentist appointment.

And please don’t get murdered at school today.

I love you.


Amy Beaton (mother of 4, wife of a public school teacher, voter)

Sunday, February 18, 2018

#175) I Won't Be Silent

February 18, 2018

Dear Mr. President,

There is a Buddhist philosophy that silence is the best answer to someone who does not value your words.  Only too bad for you that I'm not a Buddhist, I am a Unitarian Universalist, and what we UUs do when someone does not value our words is we organize. We roll up our sleeves, we jump in, we host community potlucks, we engage those with differing view points, and we talk and we talk and we talk firm in the belief that any problem can be solved with reasonable discourse.  This is the approach that I am taking towards gun control and I will be a thorn in your side and the side of all Congress people who are beholden to the NRA until we can have an honest conversation about mass shootings in our country.

I cannot be silent while innocent children are gunned down and the people in power say, "There's nothing we can do." Of course there's something we can do!!  We can restrict ownership of semi-automatic and automatic guns.

I am a parent.  I am the wife of a public school teacher.  My family's safety matters and I FUCKING VOTE!!


Amy Beaton

     **Copies of this letter were sent to the President as well as most of the Republican leadership 

Thursday, February 15, 2018

#174) A Conversation

February 15, 2018

Dear Mr. President,

In the wake of yesterday's school shooting in Florida, you took your thumbs off of Twitter long enough to address the nation in person on camera.  Well, as a member of this nation I would like to address you right back. 

Here's the conversation that I wish I could have with you.  Your words are bolded in quotes and mine are not (just so you can follow my imaginary discourse with you.)

"Today I speak to a nation in grief."
            We're not really in grief.  We are numb because this is the eighteenth school shooting just 
            since January.  That is only 7 weeks and it is twice as many as this time last year.  This is our
            new normal.  We went through grief years ago. 

"Our entire nation with one heavy heart is praying for the victims and their families."
            Actually there are millions of us who are not praying.  We are screaming.  We are writing   letters.  We are calling our Congressional representatives.  We are holding vigils and marching and             making posters and getting angry.  It's not that we don't feel the pain of the victims and their             families, it is just that we want to stop their pain and suffering and we realize that praying will             do nothing to end this very preventable violence.

"We are here for you whatever you need.  Whatever we can do to ease your pain."
            What we really need are gun laws that will keep semi-automatic weapons out of the hands of             children!!  Don't give us your pity.  Just enact legislation that will protect us.  Our pain 
            would  be greatly eased if we knew that these weapons were not out there on the streets and    
            that anyone...and I mean anyone...can have one.

"We are all joined together as one American family."
            We are absolutely NOT joined together.  We are splintered, fractured, and dysfunctional.    
            There are those who support the NRA's position that anyone can own as many weapons 
            as they like, of any type with absolutely no restrictions or even oversight.  Then there 
            are those who think that weapons designed to be used in combat and to kill as many people 
            as possible as quickly as possible should be banned or at the very least registered and
            controlled.  A school shooting tragedy such as the one in Florida yesterday does not unite us 
            as one family.  It deepens the anger, resentment and divisiveness that is so ever present in our 
            society and that you often exploit for personal and political gain.

"No child, no teacher should ever be in danger in an American school."
            Are you joking?!  Public schools are, literally, the most dangerous places in America.  There
            are reams and reams of data showing this.  Where have you been for the past 10 years?!   
            There have been 18 school shooting is just the past 7 weeks.  More people have died in a  
            public school shooting in the past year than in all of our armed forces combined, even those
            serving in active combat areas like Afghanistan.  Every student in every school is in danger 
            every single day.

"No parent should have to fear for their sons and daughters when they kiss them goodbye in the morning."
            I agree but the questions is this, what are you going to do about it?  How do you propose to             alleviate their fears?  Overstating the obvious is a useless waste of time and doesn't help  

There have been approximately 325 mass shootings since you assumed the office of President last January.  You have made public remarks about only 4 of them.  You did, however, speak to the NRA conference in April and vociferously assured them that "the assault on gun rights was over" and that you would "come through" for them because they came through for you.

You actually have the power to put an end to this madness.  You could enact legislation that would limit ownership of these weapons but you don't.  I am disgusted by you, your party, and the maniacs that are unwilling to protect the lives of innocent Americans.


Amy Beaton

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

#173) What A Week!

Paul Ryan
Speaker of the House
H-232 The Capital
Washington, DC 20515

February 14, 2018

Dear Mr. Speaker,

Donald Trump famously said, "We have people.  We have the best people."

Well at least the first part of that statement is true.  The Trump administration does, in fact, have people.  But after watching this past year's unprecedented White House staff turnover, I think we can now say that they are not the "best" people.  Here are a few headlines from just this week (just ONE week!!)

·      Veterans Affairs official altered email to justify paying travel costs for Secretary Shulkin's wife on Europe trip.
·      White House Staffer Rob Porter accused of abusing his two ex-wives.  The White House claims it didn't know about the allegations.
·       FBI Director Christopher Wray testified that the bureau repeatedly briefed the White House last year on its investigation into aid Rob Porter.
·      Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's personal lawyer, says that he paid porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 out of his own pocket to cover up the sexual encounter that Donald Trump says never happened. (This guy gets the sycophant of the century award as far as I'm concerned.)
·      David Sorenson, a White House speech writer, resigned Friday following allegations of physical and emotional abuse from his ex-wife. 
·      George David Banks, a senior official on the National Economic Council and special assistant to the president for international energy and environmental policy resigned Tuesday after being informed that he would not receive a permanent security clearance. (The details of what he did that didn't pass the sniff test have not been released.)
·      Former director of communications for the office of Public Liaison at the White House Omarosa Manigault-Newman is now starring on the TV reality show "Celebrity Big Brother" and dishing out her insider information; like the fact that VP Mike Pence hears the voice of Jesus and that Jesus tells him to "say things". 

I know I said it before, but I need to say it again...this is just ONE WEEK and these are only the headlines that pertain to Trump administration staffing issues.  Honestly, is this really the guy that you want to back?  That you want to go down in history as being associated with?  You're making a very bad call here Mr. Ryan.


Amy Beaton

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

#172) Treason Is A Crime, Not An Insult

February 13, 2018

Dear Shithead,

I'm a few days late in getting this letter off to you because I have been super busy but I just can't let you call Democrats who didn't clap during your State of the Union speech  treasonous without calling you out for it.  I believe your actual quote was,  
"... they were like death and un-American. Un-American. Somebody said  treasonous. I mean, yeah, I guess, why not. Can we call that treason? Why not? I  mean they certainly didn’t seem to love our country very much.”

Well I'll tell you "why not", because treason is not an insult.  It is an actual crime that carries legal consequences.  It is, in fact, a very serious business.  And because the United States of America is neither a dictatorship nor a monarchy, the democratically elected officials of the Congress are under no obligation to clap for you when you demand that they do so.  While your fragile ego may need constant reassurance and praise, it is not the job of the Congress to placate you. You do have a mighty team of very expensive lawyers over there at the White House after all.  I would think that they would be able to explain this to you.

Let's remember the words of Theodore Roosevelt.  He said,
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the president or that we are to  stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”


Amy Beaton

P.S.  It is also not a crime to call the POTUS a shithead.  That is only an insult.  Let Freedom Ring!