Sunday, February 18, 2018

#175) I Won't Be Silent

February 18, 2018

Dear Mr. President,

There is a Buddhist philosophy that silence is the best answer to someone who does not value your words.  Only too bad for you that I'm not a Buddhist, I am a Unitarian Universalist, and what we UUs do when someone does not value our words is we organize. We roll up our sleeves, we jump in, we host community potlucks, we engage those with differing view points, and we talk and we talk and we talk firm in the belief that any problem can be solved with reasonable discourse.  This is the approach that I am taking towards gun control and I will be a thorn in your side and the side of all Congress people who are beholden to the NRA until we can have an honest conversation about mass shootings in our country.

I cannot be silent while innocent children are gunned down and the people in power say, "There's nothing we can do." Of course there's something we can do!!  We can restrict ownership of semi-automatic and automatic guns.

I am a parent.  I am the wife of a public school teacher.  My family's safety matters and I FUCKING VOTE!!


Amy Beaton

     **Copies of this letter were sent to the President as well as most of the Republican leadership 

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