Wednesday, October 3, 2018

#187) Defending the Indefensible (...again)

Senator Mitch McConnell
317 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC  20510

October 3, 2018

Dear Senator McConnell,

At Donald Trump's Tuesday night rally in Mississippi he mocked Dr. Ford's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.  It was inappropriate, demeaning, and disgraceful.

I'd also like to say it was indefensible, except that there is a Republican strategist – John Brabender - who does defend it.  Happily.  He is proud of the fact that Donald Trump acts like a horse's ass.  When asked to comment on the incident he actually said, "Is he going to start talking like the expectation we have for a president?  Go back and watch the campaign. He never talked like a president on the campaign or in his two years as president so let's take that expectation [that he can act and speak presidential] right off the table and all of us agree that Donald Trump is never going to act like a traditional president."

But here's the thing; most Americans have given up the hope that Trump can speak and act presidential.  No, we're just looking for him to speak and act like a decent human being.  Yup, that's how low we're aiming now...simple, basic human decency. 

Unfortunately it seems like the Republican Party can't even stand up for that any more. 

Sincerely Disgusted in Vermont,

Amy Beaton

P.S.  Have you noticed that Mr. Trump's bombast and rhetoric is inversely proportional to the size of his base?  Like as the crowd gets smaller his noise gets bigger (by noise I mean hate speech and by bigger I mean more outrageous).  It's like an impossible see saw.

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