Sunday, November 24, 2019

#194) Watch Out...Here Comes John Bolton

November 24, 2019

Dear Mr. President,

I think my favorite part of the impeachment hearings this past week was when Fiona Hill testified that John Bolton (who was National Security Advisor at the time) told her to report her concerns about Guiliani, Sondland, and Mulvaney to the Security Council's legal team.  He even went so far as to say,  "Tell them I am not a part of whatever drug deal Sondland and Mulvaney are cooking up."

It seems fairly obvious to me that John Bolton did not approve of their efforts to circumvent established diplomatic communication channels.  Mr. Bolton left the administration and has recently returned to social media announcing that the White House froze his personal Twitter account when his employment there ended.  Hmmmm.  That's pretty shanksy.  It's almost like there's something that you don't want him to be able to say.  Personally, I would not want to piss off the guy who's testimony could potentially get me removed from office.  But hey, that's just me.

Mr. Bolton's lawyer has stated that Bolton, "stands ready" to testify if a judge rules that Congress has the authority to make him appear.  That judge will be making her decision this week and I will definitely be tuning in. 

Try not to piss off anyone else who might decide to testify against you.  You're already on pretty thin ice.


Amy Beaton

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