Thursday, February 6, 2020

#195) Thank You Mitt Romney

Senator Mitt Romney
124 Russell SOB
Washington, DC  20510

February 6, 2020

Dear Senator Romney,

I want to thank you, most sincerely, for voting to remove Donald Trump from office during last week's Senate impeachment trial.  It took real courage and could not have been an easy or comfortable stance for you to take. 

You (and quite probably your entire family) will face backlash because of this vote. The fact that you understand this and were able to put your personal comfort and safety aside to vote your conscious speaks volumes about the kind of person that you are. Not the kind of politician that you are...but the kind of person that you are.  You read, you listened, you asked questions, deliberated thoughtfully, and ultimately you voted to convict Donald Trump based on the facts as well as your personal beliefs about the oath that you took as a US Senator to uphold the ideals and principles of the Constitution.

I was moved by your speech when you said, "Corrupting an election to keep oneself in office is perhaps the most abusive and destructive violation of one's oath of office that I can imagine" because I feel exactly the same way.   So thank you for putting that out to the world as simply and clearly as you did.  It will resonate, hopefully, with those who have not bought into the cult of personality that this man's presidency has become.

Your act of bravery meant something to me.  I just wanted you to know that.

Sincerely, Your New Friend in Vermont,
Amy Beaton

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