Friday, April 24, 2020

#199) Brief This

April 23, 2020

Dear Asshole,

Today while you were holding your daily coronavirus briefing (which was really just one long, disjointed rant attacking journalists and hyping unproven cures while at the same time applauding your own genius-because nobody else was) here's what was actually happening in the rest of the country:

            - 876,174 total confirmed cases of covid-19 to date
            - 49,651 deaths from covid-19 to date
            - 27,457 new covid-19 cases diagnosed
            - 1,992 new deaths reported
            - an antibody study of 3,000 New York residents found that 13.9% had coronavirus    
            antibodies, suggesting a 13.9% actual infection rate statewide which translates to an estimate
            of about 2,700,000 actual cases in New York State (10 times more than the about 270,000
            cases that have been detected and reported officially)
            - Gov. Cuomo acknowledged that the official death count for his state is inaccurate as it does
            not include stay at home deaths.  There have been about 21,000 stay at homes deaths that did
            not get tested for the virus
            - 26.5 million people are out of work
            - The United States is now the epicenter of a global pandemic and there is still no coherent
            national plan to address it

These briefings, like your campaign rallies, are just sad attempts to feed your ego and bolster your obviously failing self-esteem.  They have almost nothing to do with public health, safety, or education but do provide remarkable insight into the state of your mental health.


Amy Beaton

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