Tuesday, January 31, 2017

#10) Firing Sally Yates

January 31, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

Now, regarding your dismissal of acting Attorney General Sally Yates
1)    During her 2015 confirmation hearing Jeff Sessions (oh, the irony!) asked her if she would be able to say 'no' to the president if he asked her for something 'improper.'
2)    Yates said 'yes' she could say no to the president because she was bound by the Constitution to do what's best for the country.
3)    2017 you – as president – ask her to do something improper (and possibly illegal).
4)    She says 'no' and gives clear, legal rational for her decision through proper channels.
5)    You fire her.

Hmmm.  I'm put in mind of certain third world dictators who are so desperate to cling to power that they silence (sometimes forever) any voice of dissent.  It's usually a sign of the fragility of their position that they must surround themselves with sycophants and toadies who tell them only what they want to hear and act quickly to remove anyone who questions them.  We students of history who have seen this story play out before know that "swift and harsh" is often a false front for "pathetic and desperate". 

When the people begin to ask questions you should be ready to provide answers.  Because that's what a democratically elected president does.

Amy Beaton

P.S.  Wait, it's not just third world dictators Stalin was pretty good at silencing his detractors too.  I just thought of that.

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