Monday, January 30, 2017

#9) WTF?!

January 30, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

I am still reeling from your sudden, thoughtless, and very un-coordinated ban on travelers from 7 predominantly Muslim countries.  I say travelers because in your haste to look tough and in charge you stupidly included vetted and approved refugees as well as green card holders (who are lawful, permanent citizens of this country).  This is not a security crack downthis is chaos!!  This wasn't even communicated to the agencies and airports that it would affect.  What were you thinking?!  In a fit of rage, Gov. Jay Inslee said your administration, "couldn't run a two car funereal." And unfortunately for you, most of the world agrees with him!

Have you truly not realized that our most important allies in the fight against ISIS are Muslims?  President Obama knew this.  He was building bridges and building community when he said,
"If you're ever wondering if you fit in here, let me say it as clearly as I can, as president of the United States:  You fit in here – right here.  You're right where you belong.  You're part of America too.  You're not Muslim OR American.  You're Muslim AND American."

Instead, you've got Rudy Giuliani on national TV saying that this is a "Muslim ban" done "legally."  You are effectively turning Muslims all over the world against the United States.  This is not going to keep Americans safer Mr. President.  This is adding fuel to the fire of radical Islamic terrorists and their propaganda machine. Haven't your intelligence agencies told you that ISIS leaders recruit followers by saying that the West (specifically the U.S.) is at war with Islam?  And you just played right into their hands!!

You are a very dangerous man Mr. Trump playing a dangerous game that you neither understand nor respect.  You scare me and you scare most of the world.  Your short-sighted, ego-driven policies could destroy our country. I hope that you are prepared to live with that.

For 241 years American security has been able to work hand in hand with American values.  With one stroke of your pen you have undone that.

With Regret,

Amy Beaton

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