March 15, 2017
Dear Mr. President,
During the campaign you said - well you promised actually - that you wouldn't cut Social Security. But fast forward a few months to today and
you have appointed as head Michael Corby, a former lobbyist who has spent most
of his professional career fighting to cut and privatize Social Security!! I'm noticing that while the media is clogged
up with the "big" issues of your administration (like immigration,
wire tapping, health care, and the border wall) a lot of "little"
stuff is sneaking by under the radar.
There's been very little investigation or media attention into smaller
appointments such as Michael Corby's.
And that is very scary because that man is poised to do a LOT of damage
to a LOT of innocent and unsuspecting people.
When you said, "drain the swamp" that seemed
pretty self-explanatory to me and I thought I understood it…but
I guess I really didn't. Because how is
appointing Michael Corby considered draining the swamp? I'm just so baffled by the disconnect between
what you say and what you do.
Perhaps you think this is a business strategy…a
keep-them-guessing kind of thing? But really it just makes you look like A) a
liar, and B) like you're in over your head and not really sure what you're
doing. Although I have to admit it's
pretty crafty of you make what should be a highly
controversial appointment at a time when no one is paying any
attention. Very clever Mr. Trump.
But how are all of those low income, un or under employed
people who voted for you going to feel when they see what you are doing to their
beloved Social Security? Millions of
hard working people are dependent on Social Security. For hundreds of thousands of people Social Security
is their only plan for the retirement years. They have no personal savings, 401Ks, IRAs,
or investiments to rely on. For the most part "the people" haven't
noticed what you are doing. But they
will eventually. And what will happen
when they catch on?
My favorite idea to change the Social Security system comes
from Bernie Sanders. And I know that
I've sent this to you before, but I'm sending it again because it is just so
perfectly perfect. So here goes:
"Today, a CEO making $50
million a year pays the same amount into Social Security as someone earning
$117,000. If we lifted the cap and
applied the Social Security payroll tax on incomes above $250,000 we could
extend the solvency of Social Security for another 47 years. And that's exactly
what my legislation does."
It's perfect, right?
I'm going to send a letter to Michael Corby just so he knows.
Amy "The People" Beaton
P.S. Don't forget…I'm
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