March 16, 2017
Dear Mr. President,
Thanks to the folks at Proud
Democrat, here's a list of countries all over the world that offer
universal health care. You'll notice
that we are not on the list. Also, this
is not a complete list. This is just major countries.
Australia 1975 Italy 1978
Austria 1967 Japan 1938
Bahrain 1957 Kuwait 1950
Belgium 1945 Luxembourg 1973
Brunei 1958 Netherlands 1966
Canada 1966 New Zealand 1938
Cyprus 1980 Norway 1912
Denmark 1973 Portugal 1979
Finland 1972 Singapore 1993
France 1974 Slovenia 1972
Germany 1941 South Korea 1988
Greece 1983 Spain 1986
Hong Kong 1993 Sweden 1955
Iceland 1990 Switzerland 1994
Ireland 1977 U.A.E. 1971
Israel 1995 United Kingdom 1948
How much longer are we going to allow for-profit health
insurance and pharmaceutical companies to make their profits off of the sick and elderly?
I'm for people, not profits.
Amy Beaton
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