Monday, March 27, 2017

#53) The Truth Hurts

March 27, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

This habit of lying that you have is getting completely out of control.  The other day I watched the Senate hearings on Russian election hacks.  I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears and I understood everything that was said.  Then the next day I saw this tweet from you:

            "The NSA and FBI tell Congress that Russia did not influence electoral process."

Which is TOTALLY FALSE.  That is the complete opposite of what FBI Director Comey said.  I honestly don't know if you didn't understand what was being said at the hearing, or if you just thought it would be OK to lie because the American public is too stupid and apathetic to know the difference (and I'm not sure which option scares me the most).  Either you are a total idiot or have completely lost touch with reality and have decided to shape your own (reality that is).

Of course all of the major news outlets picked up on your tweet and called it out as false.  But the best article I read about it came from Slate.  Here's what they said:

            "Both he and his White House have made a conscious decision to
            destabilize public discourse, to fracture and undermine common
            understanding.  President Trump isn't just lying to the American
            people; he's saying, almost openly, that the truth just doesn't
            matter either way."

That quote chills me to the bone.  To think that we have as President of the largest and most powerful country in the world, a man who is actively undermining common understanding for his own ends.

I don't know where this will all end, hopefully with impeachment and sooner rather than later. You are beginning to lose Republican support just as you have lost the support of the majority of the voting public.  All polls list you below 40% in approval ratings (some as low as 35% which is historic). So I will keep writing and watching and listening and calling you out for the liar and sneak that you are.  And wait for things to change.

In Truth,
Amy Beaton

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