March 23, 2017
Dear Mr. President,
There hasn't been much news coverage of your speech in
Louisville Monday night. Mostly because
it was a privately funded speech and you barred many news outlets from
attending (so much for a free and open society). But the good folks at ABC News were there and
boy do they have a bone to pick with you.
You said, "Many of our best and brightest are leaving
the medical profession entirely because of Obamacare." And they spotted it for the lie that it is
and did some fact checking and produced a nice little article called
"Trump's claim of fleeing doctors rings false." Here are the actual facts:
-The number of doctors grew from 799,501 in 2010 (when the Affordable
Care Act was signed into law) to 860,939
in 2015. Source: Assoc. of American
Medical Colleges
-Enrollment of new doctors has
increased every year since 2012. Source:
American College of Physicians
-Family Practice Physicians have
grown from 94,620 to 124,900 since 2008. Source:
American Academy of Family Physicians
-"There is no evidence of a declining
interest in medicine since the ACA took effect." Dr. Atul Grover, executive vice president of
the Assoc. of American Medical Colleges
So why does it matter if the president lies? Well, mostly because people will believe
you. Most people don't have the time,
energy, or even inclination to research every thing you say. They want to trust that what you say is true
because you are the President (a job usually held by a trustworthy and honest
individual). But keeping the American
public ignorant of uncomfortable or inconvenient truths is in your best
interest. You lie in order to buoy up
your own agenda as soon as you see that your agenda is losing support. You lie to get what you want. Right now you want your health care plan to
pass and you want to repeal Obamacare.
So you tell lies to discredit Obamacare (and you even lie to promote
your own plan but we'll save that for another letter).
The Pulitizer Prize winning website Politifact estimates
that 66% of the statements that you have made as POTUS are false. And a further 14% are only half-truths. That is simply staggering. I shudder to think what state our country and
society will be in by the end of your 4 years as president because your dishonesty and lack of integrity brings us all down by diminishing the role of the presidency.
Amy Beaton
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