Thursday, March 30, 2017

#55) Coal

March 29, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

I hate to tell you this, but coal is a dying industry. Not because of Obama-era conservation measures, but because the entire world has recognized it as inefficient and dangerous (both to mine and to burn).  And since there are alternatives that are cheap and NOT dangerous, why not use them.  Duh.  Even energy hungry China has banned new mines and has limited the number of new coal plants it is building. Did you know that Scotland shut down its last coal-fired plant this year?  Yup.  You can see it all over the world; coal is on its way out.

So pat yourself on the back if you must that you lifted environmental regulations on the coal industry, but I think you would have done better to re-train those coal miners for clean energy jobs.  The United States could be a world leader in clean energy resources rather than trying to re-live the industrial revolution.  If you really want to create manufacturing jobs, let's get making some solar panels!! 

Stop looking back - it's time to look ahead.

Amy Beaton

P.S.  If you think our budget is out of control now,just wait until you have to pay for the effects of climate change and extreme weather.  We can't afford it!!

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