Wednesday, June 7, 2017

#110) Refreshing? Really?

June 7, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

Recently people have begun to speculate that the pressures of the presidency are affecting your mental health and well being.  They are basing this on your increasingly bizarre and disjointed tweets believing that tweeting allows them a window into your psyche.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about that, but when NY Rep. Chris Collins was interviewed on CNN's "New Day" this is what he had to say about it:

"You take them seriously because they are our President's thoughts. However, the nuances at the end, there will be a certain filter they go through when they become official policy.  I mean, the attorneys always either water things down or look at the various nuances.  So there is a balance.  I understand it's a very narrow road I'm talking about.  But, you know, we need to look at official statements that have been filtered for the policy but meanwhile the tweets are an unfiltered look as to how President Trump is looking at the world considering whether it's terrorism, whether it's travel, whether it's whatever it may be jobs, the economy, tax reform, health reform. I think it's frankly refreshing."

So.yeahI'm not sure that I can really untangle that mess.  He seems as stressed and confused as you honestly.  He's probably not the guy that you want out there trying to reassure people that no matter how crazy your tweets look, you are fit for office.   And "refreshing" isn't the word that I would have chosen. I would have gone with exhausting.


Amy Beaton

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