Tuesday, June 13, 2017

#116) You Are Unstable

June 13, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

It is with both fear and anger that I write to you today.  I am angry that you continue to tell bold-faced lies about things that are easily checked by public records, things that any thinking adult knows are simply not true.  For instance, at your first cabinet meeting yesterday (a few months late) you said, "Never has been there been a president...with few exceptions...who's passed more legislation, who's done more things than I have."  This is patently untrue and easily fact checked.  While you have signed numerous executive orders, those are both NOT binding, and also NOT legislation.  Your administration has passed precious little legislation and seems, at times, confused as to how it is even done. But I'm learning to live with a certain level of untruth from you as long as the government continues to function.

What struck fear in my heart, however, was when the cabinet members went around the room offering you outrageous praise such as Chief of Staff Reince Priebus who said, "We thank you for the opportunity and blessing to serve your agenda."  It would be funny if it weren't so reminiscent of dystopian novels such as George Orwell's 1984, or real-life dystopias such as Nazi Germany. I can't find any humor in that display of fawning and bootlicking.  For me it is only terrifying.  Clearly your closest aides and appointees understand and accept that they must manage your insecurities and assuage your fragile ego to maintain some semblance of order in the White House.

Unfortunately, that cabinet meeting only confirmed all of my darkest suspicions about you and your administration.  Let's see what Jeff Sessions has to say for himself at his public hearing today.

Amy Beaton

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