Monday, July 3, 2017

#131) Gun Violence Statistics

July 3, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

Neil Degrasse Tyson has become the rockstar of astrophysicists because he has a remarkable way of explaining things that are super complicated without dumbing them down. He has an incredible mind for facts and data and explains things in a way that everyone can understand and we love him for it.  So when I saw that he addressed gun violence on his twitter account I just had to check it out. 

But I don't think we even need any discussion or explanation here - these facts speak for themselves:

1.4 million:  Americans who died in ALL wars fought since 1776
1.4 million:  American who died via household guns since 1968

400,000:  Americans who died fighting in World War II
400,000:  Americans who died by household firearms since 2001

3,400:  American who died by terrorism since 2001
3,400:  Americans who died by household firearms since 5 weeks ago

If you can't see a problem here Mr. Trump then you are an even bigger idiot than I thought (a very dangerous and powerful idiot). 

Amy Beaton

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