Wednesday, July 26, 2017

#149) Where's the Beef?

July 26, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

I hope you're not feeling too neglected because I haven't written to you in two days.  I had planned to write about the Senate health care debate but there's really nothing there to write about. Seriously, they keep spinning their wheels and giving speeches but nothing is getting done.  There isn't even a bill yet that I can give my opinion on.  It's dysfunction junction over there.  And you're not helping matters with all of your tweets.

Most of your tweets simply disparage Obamacare without offering any alternatives.  Remember the old Wendy's commercials where the sweet, elderly woman looks at her skimpy burger and says, "Where's the beef?"  Well I feel like yelling, "Where's the policy?" because as near as I can tell there's substance at all.

June 27: "I just finished a great meeting with the Republican Senators concerning Healthcare.  They really want to get it right unlike Ocare!"

March 25: "Obamacare will explode and we will all get together and piece together a great healthcare plan for THE PEOPLE.  Do not worry!"

July 18:  "We were let down by all of the Democrats and a few Republicans.  Most Republicans were loyal, terrific and worked really hard.  We will return!"

July 25:  "This will be a very interesting day for Healthcare.  The Dems are obstructionists but the Republicans can have a great victory for the people!"

But where's the legislation?  Where's the bill?  Show me the ideas.  What are our options?  Where's the flippin' beef?!  You're tweets aren't making a case for anything.  They're just kind of ranting and cajoling.

Until there's some actual legislation on the table that I can give feedback on, you probably won't be hearing too much from me.

Amy Beaton

P.S. Lay off Jeff Sessions.  It makes you look desperate and a little pathetic.  He was your choice to be AG after all.

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