Saturday, July 1, 2017

#129) Get Up. Stand Up. Stand Up For Your Rights.

July 1, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

A few months ago when you signed the executive order to launch the Election Integrity Commission I laughed at you because if the commission has any integrity at all it will report that you are mistaken, and 3-5 million illegal immigrants did not "illegally vote for Hilary Clinton" (that's your claim for why you lost the popular vote).  I also said it was a waste of taxpayer money.

You appointed Vice President Pence as the chairman of this commission (it's really just an honorary title so no harm done, whatever) but then you appointed Kris Kobach as vice chair.  And this guy is troublehe is eight kinds of crazy and a very dangerous man.  He is Steve Bannon-level crazy.  He also has a long track record of suppressing voter rights, especially for immigrants.  So I wasn't totally shocked when he demanded (on behalf of the commission) the names, birthdates and social security numbers for EVERY voter in all 50 states for the last 10 years.  But what I was surprised by was the states' responses to his request.  As of this writing 12 states have refused to comply.  Here's a sampling of their responses.
            Alison Lundergran Grimes, Kentucky Secretary of State -
            "Kentucky will not aid a commission that is at best a waste of taxpayer money and at worst an             attempt to legitimize voter-suppression efforts across the country."

            Alex Padilla, California Secretary of State -
            "California's participation would only serve to legitimize the false and already debunked  
           claims  of massive voter fraud made by the president, the vice president, and Mr. Kobach.  The            president's commission is a waste of taxpayer money and a distraction from the real threats to 
           the integrity of our elections today: aging voter systems and documented Russian interference 
           in our elections.  The president's appointment of Mr. Kobach - who has a long history of 
           sponsoring discriminating, anti-immigrant policies including voter suppression and racial 
           profiling laws - sends a clear and ominous message. His role as vice chair is proof that the 
           ultimate goal of the commission is to enact policies that will result in the disenfranchisement 
           of American citizens."

I'll be totally honest with you Mr. Trump, I haven't felt this proud of my country in quite a while.  Mr. Padilla's words especially almost brought tears to my eyes.  Many state offices will be closed for the Fourth of July holiday, but I predict that by mid-week next week we will see many more states following suite and refusing to comply with such an obviously unlawful and discriminatory request.  Voting in a democratic country is the most basic civil right afforded to every citizen, regardless of race, color, creed, ethnicity, or country of origin.  This isn't just what I believe Mr.Trump, this is the law.

So, with July 4th only a few days away and your bizarre, inappropriate tweets taking up all available media space, I'm really glad that there are still people out there who are willing to uphold the laws and values of our democracy.  Once again, I can feel proud to be an American.

Amy Beaton

P.S.  Indiana (Mike Pence's homestate) has also refused to comply with Kris Kobach's request for voter information. Go Hoosiers!!

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