Wednesday, April 5, 2017

#61) Principles Before Politics

April 5, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

Syria released deadly nerve agents on it's own people in it's most recent chemical attack.  This is not the first time that they have done so. North Korea just launched another missile into the Sea of Japan AND is known to be manufacturing chemical weapons (used recently in the assassination of Kim Jong Nam).  But you have said repeatedly that you are not interested in global politics.  It's America first and America only for you.

What you don't seem to understand is that the United States of America already IS a global leader (whether you want it to be or not) and global leadership is both messy and costlyit just is!  It always has been.  It also, occasionally, demands that we put principles before politics.

I was happy to see that you removed Steve Bannon from the National Security Council.  Maybe you are finally realizing that the world is a dangerous place and it will take more brains and less bravado to keep everyone safe.

Amy Beaton

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