Sunday, April 9, 2017

#64) Think Long Term

April 9, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

Well, I have good news and bad news.  The good news is that the missile strike of the Syrian air base was pretty successful and well received by most of the world.  I've been keeping score and here are the countries that have been supportive:  UK, Turkey, France, Germany, Israel, Australia, Japan, the EU, Italy, Saudi Arabia, and the Syrian rebels (obvi).  The only countries expressing anger are Russia, Iran, and the government of Syria.  So you've got a little momentum and a little good will, now for the bad newsyou need a long-term plan regarding Syria. 

As President of the United States and Commander in Chief of our armed forces, you need to articulate to BOTH Congress and the American people a clear, long-term strategy with goals.  You need to surround yourself with smart people (e.g. NOT Steve Bannon) who can help you understand the complex political realities of the Syrian situation.  And please remember that when I say the 'Syrian situation' I am also speaking of refugees. 

Yesterday Hilary Clinton said, "I also hope that they will recognize that we can not in one breath speak of protecting Syrian babies and in the next close America's doors to them."  Any Syrian strategy must include aid for the people that have lived through this brutal war.  As of March 2017 more than 5 million Syrians have fled the country and 6.3 million have been displaced internally.  These numbers are staggering and the world cannot continue to turn a blind to it. 

I've said it before but I'll say it again – it's a small world after all.

Amy Beaton

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