Wednesday, April 19, 2017

#72) Science Rocks!

April 19, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

Do you know what's awesome?  Science.  There is probably no other single thing that has brought so much health, wealth, or happiness to all of humankind.  Now because your election has lit the fires of protest and activism all across America, you will have a few hundred thousand science-loving folk descending on you on April 22.  The purpose of this science march is a "public celebration of science and the enormous public service it provides to our democracy, our economy, and our daily lives."

I really don't understand why your budget proposes to cut so much science-related funding.  That's really not a smart move. Think of it this way: Science education develops critical thinking, problem solving skills, and perseverance (and don't we all want that for our students?) Scientific knowledge and expertise is one of our biggest exports (think medicine and computers).  What better way to "build our brand" as you businessmen say then to support scientific research and development that keeps the United States at the forefront of world science issues.  Right now highly skilled doctors, computer programmers, and researchers from all over the world want to come HERE because the US is the epicenter of world-changing science.  Science transcends geopolitical boundaries.  It's a unifier, and don't we need a little more global unity right now?  There are many issues such as climate change and diminishing energy sources that will only be solved through the diligent and rigorous application of science.  Melting glaciers in Greenland means loss of waterfront property in Palm Beach (sorry Mar-a-Lago).  Cutting funding to science related programs right now just seems like shooting yourself in the foot.  And why cause more problems for yourselfyou've got quite enough already.

I wish that I could be there for the march but I will be leaving Washington on Thursday.  Take my advice and listen to the demonstrators.  Read the signs, listen to the speeches, and at least try to understand their messages because right now you don't understand this issue very well and you are making decisions that will affect our country for generations to come.

Amy Beaton

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