Saturday, April 15, 2017

#68) Reality Check

April 15, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

During the campaign you spouted some pretty strong (and occasionally hateful) rhetoric about many, many aspects of government.  Here are just a few of the things you took exception with:
            -the value of the Export-Import Bank
            -the value of NATO
-the value of Janet Yellen as Chair of the Federal Reserve (you actually said that her actions were "shameful")
            -the value of NAFTA
            -the value of the Affordable Care Act
            -the value of US intervention in Syria (and foreign countries in general)
-the value of Chinese currency (because you said the Chinese were currency manipulators)

Now you have been in office for 84 days and it turns out that you were wrong about ALL of these things and in the past week you have done a complete about face on every single one of these issues.  It doesn't bother me because I knew that your campaign rhetoric was totally off-base and wrong, but what about all of the people who believed you and thought that you actually knew what you were talking about?  What must those people be thinking about you right now? 

At the Republican National Convention you said, "Nobody knows the system better than me which is why I alone can fix it."  Well, the truth of the matter is that nobody alone can fix it and you really don't know the system very well at all.  Every day the curtain on your charade gets pulled back a little farther and the American public gets to see just how poorly equipped and uninformed you actually are.  For the first couple of weeks of your presidency it was only Democrats and liberals who were scared of your incompetence.  But now that reality is sinking in, missiles are being fired, and real decisions are being made, Republicans and conservatives are scared of your incompetence too. 

Amy Beaton

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