Wednesday, May 31, 2017

#103) I'm Back!

May 31, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

It's been a few daysdid you miss me? Let me tell you what happened; I sat down to write my letter, as usual, and realized that I had 6 different letter-worthy bones to pick with you.  Six!!  In just one day!  It was overwhelming.  I couldn't choose just one to write about because they were all important, so I didn't write at all.  And then the next day there was another one.  Then the next day there were two!  And as my list of grievances grew my motivation fell because it all felt so hopeless and useless.  But this morning I read a news item that perked me up and re-kindled my political fire.  Politico has released a poll showing that 43% of voters want Congress to begin impeachment proceedings.  43%!!  Isn't that amazing?!  It made me feel not so alone in my anger towards you anymore.  There are others out there and they are organizing.  So here I am, back at the keyboard with my list of complaints.  Here goes:

-Betsy DeVos is not just dangerous for education, she's also dangerous for children.  Google her testimony during the House Appropriations subcommittee meeting where Rep. Katherine Clark tried to get her to take a stand against discrimination in schools, and she wouldn't.  There is no discrimination that Betsy DeVos doesn't support.  It's sickening.

-Telling Philippine President Duterte the location of our secret nuclear submarines at a time of near-war with North Korea was unbelievably stupid.  Secret means you're not supposed to tell anyone and the stakes couldn't be any higher right now.  Duh.

-Jared Kuchner had no right to set up secret communication channels between you and Russia. I'm sure he did it at your request, and one or both of you is going to pay heavily for it. That was also incredibly stupid.  Considering how many highly paid lawyers you have you'd think someone would be able to tell you what's legal and what's not. 

-The Congressional Budget Office estimates that 24 million people will lose health insurance under your new plan.  Makes me sick just thinking about it.

-Did you know that there are NO border-state Republicans that support building a southern wallnot a single one.  Isn't that interesting.

-Melania wearing a $51,500 jacket during your trip to Italy was vulgar and inappropriate.  That is a decent annual salary for many people in this country (such as myself) or a police officer, a sheriff's deputy, a fire fighter, a first year teacher, a coal miner, or a registered nurse.  You have lost perspective and are completely out of touch with the lives of real people.  Public disgust can be a very dangerous thing Mr. Trump, just ask Marie Antionette.

-The video of you pushing Prime Minister Markovic of Montenegro out of your way at the NATO meeting was appalling and shameful.  I was embarrassed to be an American when I saw that video.

-When Ivnaka and Melania were in Saudi Arabia they did not cover their heads.  That's fine. Whatever.  But a few days later when you all arrived in Rome to visit the Pope they donned traditional black veils.  Why the double standard?  It looked as if you were showing preferential treatment for one religious leader over another (which you probably were). 

-Leaking the identity and key information about the Manchester bomber was sooooooo stupid and I don't blame the UK one bit for suspending intelligence sharing with the US. Yet another rookie mistake for your jagaloon crew.  They are beginning to add up, aren't they?

-Why in the world did you lift the ban on Argentinian lemons coming into this country!?  You built your campaign on promises of fair trade and putting America first but Argentine lemons haven't been imported to the US for 16 years and allowing them in now is going to destroy small-scale citrus farmers.  Smooth move idiot.  What happened to hire American, buy American?

-Three men were stabbed (2 fatally) on a train in Portland, Oregon when they tried to calm a man who was berating two teenage girls, one black and one wearing a hijab.  This is a hate crime.  Hate crimes are on the rise since your election because you have made it socially appropriate to be publicly hateful.  The killer was recorded in the police car as saying, "I hope they all die.  I'm gonna say that on the stand.  I'm a patriot, and I hope everyone I stabbed died.  That's what liberalism gets you."  This is a direct result of your hateful rhetoric.  You should be ashamed of what you are doing to this country.

-Removing the US from the Paris climate agreement will have dire consequences, not just for the US, but for the entire planet.  That agreement committed almost every nation in the world to take action to curb the warming of our planet.  For some reason you think that protecting the environment will harm the economy or slow down job creation which is total nonsense.  Stop watching Fox News and listen to a real scientists and economists for a change.  Talk about "fake news", sheesh.

Amy Beaton

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