Monday, May 15, 2017

#94) Trumphaustion

May 15, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

I know that you tried really hard to coin a new term this week – prime the pump.  It was kind of awkward and uncomfortable though because this is a very common and well known term that has been around for more than 50 years so you obviously didn't invent it.  Weird, but nice try.   

Well those smart folks over at CNN did actually create a new term this week and it is awesome.  It's Trumphaustion.  Can you guess what it means?  It's used to describe people who are exhausted with Trump.  The couple of times that I've seen it in print were in reference to House Republicans experiencing Trump-fatigue; that is, they are burned out and exhausted with your bizarre behaviors overshadowing the legitimate workings of the legislature.  There was even mention of certain senior House members being "at or near a boiling point" regarding your craziness and the toll that it is taking on their attempts to legislate.  These are smart and dedicated people who probably won't run for re-election because they just can't handle A) not being able to get anything meaningful accomplished, and B) being associated with your administration and all the unprofessionalism and chaos that goes along with that.  Although I am a Democrat, even I can see that the loss of senior Republican legislators is a bad thing. 

I'm not sure what your long-term strategy here isor even if you have one.  But you should really take a look around you at the damage you are doing to the people who should be a source of strength for you.  You're certainly not doing yourself any favors.

Amy Beaton

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