Wednesday, May 10, 2017

#89) Dream On

May 10, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

Well, I was beginning to think there was nothing you could do that would surprise me anymore, but firing FBI Director Comey...I did NOT see that coming.  Wow.  I could write a whole long (very long) letter about the many reasons that was a bad idea, but I'll keep it simple for you.  Here goes:
A person being investigated for a crime should not fire the person who is investigating him,    especially on the advice of a man who had to recuse himself from said investigation because of his OWN murky and mostly unexplained involvement in the crime being investigated. (Oh, what a tangled web you weave.)

In your letter dismissing Mr. Comey you said, "While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Dept. of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau."  I especially like the "on three separate occasions" part.  It's so casual, so blase, so whatever-I'm-not-worried-about-your-investigation-into-my-Russia-connections.  But let me be perfectly clear that you are fooling no one Mr. Trump.  This firing does not "restore faith in our criminal justice system" in any way. It makes you look like you're covering something up.  Bigly.  You have now fired US Attorney Preet Bharara and  acting Attorney General Sally Yates as well as FBI Director James Comey; three powerful (and theoretically independent) law enforcement agents all investigating your connections to Russia.  You are creating a trail of unanswered questions that only erodes the people's trust in your judgment and ability AND makes you look guilty as sin.

Amy Beaton

P.S.  It's time to retire Kellyanne Conway.  Her remarkable ability to double speak with a straight face is no longer enough to overcome her complete lack of integrity and regard for honesty.  Her TV appearances border on the farcical and do nothing to enhance the legitimacy of your presidency.  Seriously.

P.P.S.  You are living in a fantasy world if you think people are going to "thank you" after "the dust settles"on this.  Dream on big guy.

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