Thursday, May 11, 2017

#90) Bad Timing

May 11, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

Hmmm...interesting plot twists here...the NY Times is reporting that Director Comey asked for more money in his budget to investigate your Russian connections.  Then a few days later you fired him.  Rotten timing, huh?  Probably just a coincidence, huh?  Then there's this other weird coincidence, apparently senior officials at the White House (including Jeff Sessions who shouldn't have been involved in ANY way because he had already recused himself from this investigation) were asked by YOU to create a case for firing Comey.  They were told to gather information, come up with plausible reasons, so that you could fire him and make it look legit.  And I watched how that played out yesterday because every time I saw one of your toadies speaking about this they repeated over and over (and over and over) that you were "simply endorsing the recommendation of the AG's office".  As if this had practically nothing to do with you and you just rubber-stamped what was a common place occurrence.  As if you had no idea that this was a big deal thing happening at a very significant and suspicious time.  As if it was just another day at the office. Come on! Nobody is that stupid.

I think you are going to be hearing the term "Constitutional Crisis" a lot in the next few weeks.  And since you've never held an elected office before you might not know what that means exactly so I will keep this as simple as I can:  it means people want to impeach you.  It means you seem unable to operate the government in a way compatible with the legal principles of our Constitution. It means you (and by extension your entire administration) are in a world of trouble.  So when you start hearing that term remember that you heard it here first and that you are pretty much screwed.

The good news is that there is a simple, quick, and inexpensive solution to this problem.  You could just show the world your taxes so that everyone can see whether or not you have benefited financially (or otherwise) from the Russian government.  As you said, this is a "taxpayer funded charade" and speaking as a taxpayer, I would dearly love to see a cheap solution to this mess.  Federal prosecutors are even now preparing subpoenas for Flynn and his associates which takes time, money and energy away from the REAL work of the government.

You have tied up the resources and effective working of this country long enough.  While being divisive and incompetent is merely bad, taking payments and financial benefits from foreign nations is actually illegal. So either face a criminal investigation by a special prosecutor or get out of the way so the government can do the work of the PEOPLE.

Amy Beaton, taxpayer

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