Thursday, May 4, 2017

#84) Big Vote Today

May 4, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

Well, the Internet and media Gods all tell me that today is going to be a big day for you – the House will vote on your healthcare plan to replace The Affordable Care Act.  I'm so disgusted by the whole process at this point that I'm just going to tune out for the rest of the day and not check in until tomorrow (or maybe even the day after that).  I can only handle so much obnoxiousness in one week.  It's becoming both practically and psychologically difficult for me to keep up with you.

I am also hesitant to skewer your healthcare plan just yet because I don't fully understand just what the hell is in it.  You have kept it top secret so no one knows what you are doing or proposing and regardless of what it does or doesn't contain, it's going to get changed by Congress anyway so who even knows what the final plan will be. But believe me, I will be weighing in on it once I know what "it" is.

I'm sure you saw Jimmy Kimmel's emotional monologue about his son's heart surgery.  Everyone has an opinion about the rightness or wrongness of that, but there was one thing he said that really struck home for me.  He said:

            "This isn't football, there are no teams.  We ARE the team.  It's the United
            States.  Don't let their partisan squabbles divide us on something that
            every decent person wants." (meaning healthcare)

Every single person in this country needs healthcare, it's as simple as that.  This should NOT be a partisan issue. 

Amy Beaton

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