Wednesday, March 8, 2017

#34) All In The Family

March 8, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

I almost didn't write you a letter today because your health care proposal did such a fine job of pissing off everyone (both the right and the left) that I'm sure your phone is ringing off the hook and your mailbox is full, so why add to your load.  But then I realized that in all the feedback I've read and heard and seen about your plan nobody addressed the one thing that pissed ME off.  And that is that it doesn't include anything about regulating or monitoring the insurance companies! 

The left is angry because millions of poor people will lose their health care.  The right is angry because it's Obamacare-ish and looks kind of like another entitlement.  The libertarian middle-of-the-roaders are angry because it didn't get run by the Congressional Budget Office so no one has any idea how much it will cost or who it will actually serve.  And then there's me thinking that insurance companies work a LOT like the Mafia and that if nothing is done to control or at least monitor THEM then we are all at their mercy and the details of your plan don't really matter. 

Why do we keep trying to change and adjust to fit their system?  Why can't we change the system itself?  It's a fundamentally flawed system designed to serve the company's shareholders, not the patients or premium-paying members.  Their goal is profit, not health care.

I'm sure the pros and cons of this plan will dominate the news for days and maybe weeks to come.  And all the talking heads will add their highly qualified opinions.  But I won't be listening, because it doesn't matter.  The only way to affect real health care reform in this country is to address the way insurance companies operate.  Unfortunately, the companies are all too big and powerful for anyone to take them on.  You're really dealing with crime bosses, they just dress up like accountants and actuaries and CEOs.  And they've got a sweet thing going on so they're not going to want to change a thing.

Amy Beaton

P.S.  Same is true with pharmaceutical companies.  It looks like Ian Read, Pfizer CEO, got his playbook from Don Vito Genovese.  Just sayin'

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