Friday, March 31, 2017

#56) Small World

March 31, 2017

Dear Mr. President,

I've intentionally avoided writing to you about the environment because it is an issue that I care very strongly about whereas you are on record as saying, "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive."  Given these polar opposite beliefs, I didn't think there was any common ground to be found between us.  But now that you have begun to dismantle key environmental initiatives and protective standards, the time has come for us to face the elephant in the room – the environment.

There are two reasons why a businessman such as your self should care about the environment:  1) You LIVE here (you idiot), and so do your children and grandchildren and all those other people that you care about, and 2) Climate change and extreme weather are EXPENSIVE and you hate to let go of your money.

Not to overstate the obvious, but we've only got the one planet and we should keep it healthy because it's where we live.  Humans cannot live without water, air, and soil, so we must protect those valuable natural resources and keep them clean in order to keep ourselves alive and well.  Any portion of the environment that humans enter becomes transformed, changed, or polluted (in the literal sense of the word.)  It is no longer pristine.  And guess whathumans now cover the entire planet!  Not all changes wrought by humans are dangerous, obviously, but some are and have far-reaching, long-term consequences.  PCBs for example, once released become persistent in nature and can get it into our food chain very easily.  It is estimated that 1.3 million pounds of PCBs were dumped into the Hudson River by General Electric from 1946-1977 when they were banned.  Here are just some of the dangers caused by PCBs to humans:
Melanoma, liver cancer, gall bladder cancer, biliary tract cancer, GI tract cancer, brain cancer, breast cancer.  Pregnant women exposed to PCBs give birth to babies with low birth weight, small head size, low IQ, psychomotor and behavioral problems.  PCBs disrupt hormone function leading to short menstrual cycles for women, reduced sperm counts for men, altered sex organs, premature puberty and diminished immune systems making the person exposed more susceptible to disease.
Doesn't this list just make you sick?  When we poison our planet we poison ourselves.  As my grandfather used to say, "Don't s**t where you eat."  Duh.

And now for the pocket book issue – global warming and extreme weather are expensive.  Did you know that Hurricane Katrina cost the Federal government about $108 billion (that's according to FEMA who wrote most of the checks).  It was the costliest hurricane in US history.  FEMA aid for Hurricane Sandy is around $16.9 billion PLUS the National Flood Insurance Program (a federal program) has paid $4 billion in claims to it's policy holders.  These numbers don't even account for the cost of preventative measures being implemented all over the coasts.  Disaster relief is expensive, and we simply can't afford it.  Remember that nice budget you proposed a few weeks agowell I didn't see a big line item for disaster relief.  What are you going to do when the next Katrina or Sandy hits?  You won't be able to blame it on the media.

Your stupid, short-sighted environmental policies (or lack of policies I should say) are going to hurt EVERYONE.  Like seriously, EVERYONE.  Not just the people in our country, but people all over the world and for many, many years to come.  It's a small world, after all.  We need to take care of it so it can take care of us.

Amy Beaton

P.S. Better kiss Mar-a-Lago goodbye because that sea level is rising pretty quickly.

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