Friday, March 17, 2017

#43) Budget Blues

March 17,  2017

Dear Mr. President,

So you submitted your first official budget as POTUS, congratulations on that.  There are two main problems with it however; one is that it cuts critical social programs, and the other is that it cuts programs that promote economic growth.  These two things are way too big to address in one letter so for today I'm just going to tackle the limit setting of economic growth.  Let's save the social programs for tomorrow (gives you something to look forward to :)

Basically, this budget will not help to "make America great again" because it cuts proven programs that directly promote economic prosperity and growth.  Here are just a few:

            *National Institutes of Health – a center for world class medical research
*Community Development Block Grants - one of the longest running and most successful programs of HUD, funds community and infrastructure development, economic development and job creation activities (I could write a book about all the amazing things that have been done with CDBG funds over the past 43 years.)
*Advanced Research Projects Agency – this is the group that helped develop the Internet.  You're budget would completely eliminate it.
*Appalachian Regional Commission – serves 420 counties in 13 states boosting income, education, health care, and transportation in areas that traditionally lag behind the rest of the country (they have a nice website too).
*Dept. of Energy – this budget would slice their research and computing budget in half.  This program controls the exascale computing efforts for the entire federal government.  Basically exascale computing is a billion billion calculations per second.  You should really Google this.  This is very important.
*Environmental Protection Agency – this agency is everyone's favorite punching bag because it protects endangered owls.  But guess what else it doesit keeps our air, water and soil clean!  If you don't think this is important science than you should meet with anyone who has been poisoned by DDT, lead, or mercury.  Go visit Beijing on a hot summer day and feel the effects of pollution and fog so thick that it blocks sunlight and sickens people on contact.  Go spend some time with the families of Flint, Michigan.  It would be good for you.

You have promised over and over (and over and over) again to create jobs, create economic growth, and make America great again.  But when you cut funding to the very basic scientific research and development that MADE America great, you undermine everything that you seem to stand for!  Right now America is a global innovation leader but your short sighted cuts would end that. 

"America's lead in science and technology was built on the fact that in the 1960s, the US government alone invested more in research and development than the rest of the world combined, business and government.  The Trump budget throws this great legacy away."
                                                                  -Robert Atkinson, pres. Information Technology and
                    Innovation Foundation

If you want to make good on your campaign promises and really do some good for the American people, don't cut the programs that have been proven to promote economic growth.  It's just common sense, isn't it?

Amy Beaton

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